Chapter 39 - Italy friend

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July 16, 2011

Plane - 10 AM

Cadance: Niki, why are you nosy about who I am texting on a plane ride?

Niki: I bored alright! Plane rides make me bored.

Nate: Niki, then text people you know. It's not that hard.

Niki: I don't have my iPad with me and can't find it.

Cadance: *Gives iPad* You left it in Thomas's room last night since you fell asleep, and mom brought you to the room you're staying in.

Niki: So you brought my iPad for me instead of bringing it to me?

Camila: We also ran out of time to give you the iPad, so your sister just took it.

Niki: Thanks, sis!

Cadance: Just text Jed, Klaus, Landon.

Niki: I can't! You mentioned my name to this person.

Cadance: You don't need to worry, Niki. I will tell you later.

Niki: Tell me now!

Cadance: Niki, can't I will when we are landing and before landing.

Niki: Fine. You better.

Nate: Don't sassy, your older sister.

Niki: Fine.

[Niki finally stop annoying me and texted people that she knew. As for Nate, he texted our Utah friends, and I texted them too while texting other people from different states. We text for a while until the plane started leaving.]

Conversation with Federico - 10:20 AM

Federico: Hey, how are you feeling about coming to Italy?

Cadance: I don't know anymore. I want to go back to Utah and date Alex.

Federico: Is it that hard and depressing?

Cadance: Yes, I am sicking of moving around. I thought it would be fun, but now no. I am having a tough time fitting in because of all these break-ups and moving around.

Federico: Wow, have you told your mom yet?

Cadance: Yes, but she is making me date you.

Federico: Do you want to date me?

Cadance: Not really. I am done dating people until I get back to Utah.

Federico: My mom just told me that I have to date you until you move again. I really don't want to date anyone until high school.

Cadance: I want to date Alex; he is my best friend, and I have been texting him a lot while I am these different places. Plus, I am bugging Nate, my older brother, who doesn't care that I bug a lot.

Federico: I feel you, dating one person, but we can stay as friends until our parents are with us; we can pretend to date since we don't want to date fully.

Cadance: So your saying when we are "pretending" to be dating, we can do a couple of things?

Federico: Yes, but I will do the cheek kiss every time and instead of the lip kiss for the kissing.

Cadance: Sounds good to me, but I am still bugging Nate and Alex.

Federico: I won't mind if you're texting him because I can tell you're close to him by texting you.

[I continue texting Federico until we reached Italy, which was soon because it was only a two-hour plane ride to Italy from Madrid.]

1 and a half-hour later

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