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Rose POV:

Once again I had to wake up wayyy tooo early for my taste. I decided that I was not going to sleep around as often as I was in the begining. Plus after meeting Val last week I haven't been able to not think about anyone but her. 

We have had casually interactions whenever I see her. But still a simple talk makes me feel all soft and I can't focus. 

I arrived at the hospital and get to the elevator. I got here early today and the hospital is so quiet and somewhat calming.


The elevator doors open and I step in. Right before they close a slender hand stops the door. I look up and meet those familiar emerald eyes. She gives me a simple smile and I begin to panic.

After a few seconds of dull silence I say in a calm tone "how was your night"

She looks down at me and smiles "It was fine I had some people over"

I began to feel a little discouraged when she said that. I wanted to be able to spend nights with her, and to party with her, and talk to her about something other than work.

It got silent again until she spoke up "And you? Did you have a nice night?"

I lift my head and look at her. She is staring at me intently with a gentle smile on her face. My heart skips a beat.

"It was also fine. I don't know many people and places to go as of right now."

She softens her eyes and pulls out her phone

"This is not a pitty thing. I genuinley always like talking to you."

Shes holding out her hand and waiting for me to I assume give her my phone

"I know how hard it it is to move from place to place. My mother was an army medic and we always traveled around." she says as she types her number into my phone.

I give her a quick text after she hands it back to me. Gently brushing my fingers with her long slender one. 

'no no no I need to not get attached this quickly' I say to myself

she gets out of the elevator and I realize I was so caught up with myself I didnt hear the ding sound

I walk up next to her and make my way to my office. Her office is on the other end of the hall near the staff lounge with a large corner office I assume. I unlock my door and see that she has already left me alone and I suddenly feel cold. She make me so happy in the few moments I get with her.


I am in my office filing out some paper work on patients I had today. I had to deal with some crazy ass mom that brought her son in today. Poor kid had a pencil stuck in his foot a few inches deep. Luckily it didn't hit a vein or bruise the bone. I minored in surgery so I have the ability to stitch up smaller wounds.

The mom told me that I wasn't doing my job right and cursed me out. I just ignored her. She was probably stressed anyway and I wasn't going to start a commotion.

It was nearing the end of my work day and I was excited to go home. Until...


I stand up briskly and rush down the hall.

I take the stairwell to the floor directly below me. I see a female in her mid 20's on a gurney with three nurses, Lucy being one of them. 

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