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Rose POV:

It's been a few days since the arrest and since Val and I talked about me and my life. My mom has become more persistent with her emails telling me to come home, and for a minute I was considering it.

Val has said she wouldn't mind going back to meet my family and friends in Greece and Denmark, yet I am still worried my family won't accept Val and me being together.

I just got back to Val's apartment with bubble tea from down the street and some fresh fruit from a local market. I set the items down onto the marble countertop and make my way into Val's bedroom to wake her up.

To my surprise, she is not in bed anymore. I walk out of the room to look for her, and I hear the shower running down the hall. I decided to let her enjoy herself and get breakfast ready for each other.

After I set the table and put the fruit into individual bowls for us, I take the bubble tea out of the fridge and place it in a cute jar for Val and me.

As I am cleaning the countertop up, and disposing of the fruit rinds, I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. I smile and lean back into Val's chest as her lips press against my neck.

"Mmm good morning beautiful," Val whispers to me. "Good morning sorry I wasn't there when you woke up, I went out and got us breakfast." I point to the table and grab her hand to lead us over there.

"Wow, this looks great. Oh, is this the fruit from the market down the street? That place is so good." "Yeah after I got the bubble tea I walked around there for a bit before getting some fruit from the nice old guy."

We both talk and continue to eat. Val's dark wet hair getting curlier every second she lets it dry. I smile at her, and we discuss when we want to go back to work.

"About that. I was wanting to ask you about my family. My mom has been begging for me to come back for just a bit. I have some duties to attend to, and I was wondering if you would want to go with me?"

Val thinks for a moment before she speaks. "Yes I would love to go with you but what about work and what if your family doesn't like me?" She has a saddened expression on her face but I quickly reassure her.

"No baby I am sure they will like you. You're smart, funny, beautiful, and caring. They wouldn't have any reason to dislike you. Plus, we are going to go to Denmark to meet some of my old friends before heading to Greece." I get up and go to sit on her lap and wrap my arms around her neck "And I promise, *kiss*, to take *kiss*, veryyy good care of you."

She smiles at me and gives me a long passionate kiss that has me moaning into her mouth.

"Ughh fine when would we leave?" "Well since the weather is heating up, I was trying to get us there sooner rather than later. Think of it as a romantic getaway with some responsibilities. She smiles up at me, and I give her cheek a rub with my thumb.

"I was thinking about the next three days. I informed your parents that we had business to attend to and that I was going to need to use my vacation days."

"sooo does that mean that we should start packing right now?" I nod my head excitedly and she lifts me into the air with her hands and arms holding onto me tightly. She walks me to her room, kissing me vigorously along the way.

*2 days pass*

"Babe have you seen my passport?!" Val yells from the bedroom. "I think it was on the dresser last time I checked!" I wait for a response from down the hall, "THANK YOU!" I smile at her. I can't wait for this vacation. I am so excited to see everyone again and on top of that for them to meet Val as well.

I look away from the T.V. to see Val jog in. She makes eye contact with me then runs towards me and the couch at full speed and pounces on me.

"HEY get off me you animal!" "NO you're mine!!" she says in a powerful voice then showers me with kisses. She settles down onto my chest and cups the sides of my waist to hold me in place.

"I am so excited to be doing this with you. OH I forgot, did you buy tickets yet? I said you could use my card for my ticket."

"Oh yeah about that you see since I am royal and all and have hidden my identity since I got here I didn't have any of those royal privileges as one would have. So now that you know who I am and soon the press will find out I decided we would use the royal jet to travel."

She stares wide eyed then smiles excitedly. "NO WAY... REALLY?!?" I laugh "Yes really I used to fly on this specific jet when I was younger"

"Ohh so my girl is treating me right hmm?" she gives me an awkward sexy smirk which I laugh at and push her face away. "Mhm it depends on what I get in return."

We continue joking and fucking around with eachother until we finally settle down with her snuggled into my side holding onto me like a koala does to a tree branch. We continue watching t.v. until we both fall asleep then and there on the couch.

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