Heading In

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Val's POV:

The rest of the night Rose and I spent packing our stuff to get ready to leave. Tiff and Emma came home late and proceeded to lazily pack their stuff into bags and get ready to leave, which seemed to take them forever since they were completely drunk and out of their heads. Nevertheless, we were all packed and ready to go.

*time skip on the plane*

Rose is currently typing away at some document that has something to do with legal matters for an organization she runs. Her light golden brown hair is tucked behind her ears, and her white blouse is unbuttoned showing just enough of her soft milky skin. Her sexy work glasses sit at the bridge of her nose which makes her look like a sexy teacher. Below her collarbones are small, blue, and black hickeys from the other day, which she tried to cover up but to no avail. The sound of her flipping through papers and jotting down notes, her chest rising and falling every time she breathes, why is it that I can never keep my eyes off her?

From behind me, I hear laughter and small talk coming from Tiff and Emma. The two are sitting next to each other discussing what only I can determine as some childhood memories mixed in with the usual, "This is what I do for a living." I never pictured Tiff to be one in a relationship of any kind. She used to date this one girl in college that seemed to be her soulmate until one day that girl ended up cheating on Tiff for someone else. Ever since Tiff has been a one-night stand kind of person, or a weekly fling will occur. But maybe, since Emma is a bit of a player according to Rose, then this will work out.

I stand up and excuse myself saying I feel a bit tired and need a quick nap before we land. I see Rose remove her glasses and mouth, 'Are you ok?' to me. I nod my head and turn to the small cabin room with a full bed. I do not know what to expect from the trip with Rose. I assume it will be similar to Denmark in the sense of security and roles, but she did assure me that I would be the center of her attention. Yet, I see us getting lost in the politics of it all while being there, at charity fundraisers, public appearances, and meeting with her parents. Oh god. I can't even fathom how they will react toward me. I want to make sure I make a good impression and show them that I care about Rose. I've been doing my research and trying to prepare myself as much as possible on customs, practices, and basic words.

I settle into the bed and feel myself start to drift off to sleep. No matter what I knew that Rose would take care of me.

Soft warm hands. That's all I felt. The tickling sensation of fingers sweeping across my chest and abdomen. I suddenly awake and shift upwards in the bed turning around to see a stunned Rose. "Woah. Cutie I was just trying to wake you up. You feeling ok?" Rose has her hair up now in a put-together bun, the glasses sitting on the top of her head. The black pencil skirt rides up her legs as she sits cross-legged on the edge of the bed. I ease up knowing it is her and stand up to stretch my legs.

"I wanted to let you know we are landing soon so I thought I would come in and make sure you are awake and getting ready. I'm sorry if I scared you." Her eyes scan me over as she stands up. "Thank you for waking me up. You didn't scare me, more like confused me. I will be out in a minute just let me change.

I put on a black button-down and loose-fitting white dress pants. I make my way out of the room and see that Tiff and Emma are sitting across from each other now, both wearing put-together outfits. I make my way over to Rose where I sit and we talk about the trip and what to expect. After a while, the plane lands on the runway. I look outside to see paparazzi and a big bulky private car that I assume is some bulletproof thing. Security is lined up around the plane and escorting us off. Once in the car, all four of us are on the way to Rose's manor where I will finally meet her parents and where we will be settled as Rose performs her royal duties. And where I will be studied by not only her parents but under the light of the royal family.

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