the past

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Rose's POV:

I have been dancing all night and can't remember how many drinks i've had. Everything is blurry and the sound of bass and laughter fills my ears. Ugh why can't I hear clearly, I need to lie down.

I am looking for Val but I can't see her. My vision is too blurry.

"HEYYYY BABEESSS," that voice I know. Lisa runs up next to me and flings her arm around my shoulders.

"H-hey Lisa do you um... do y-you know where Val is?" I say trying my best not to slur my words.

"Girl, she's chilling and has been staring at you alllll night." She says in her best sexy voice and gives me a wink.

I laugh and tell her I am going to go to the lounge to get some quiet. She nods her head and makes her way over to Max who is a guy we went to school with.

I stumble through the door and trip on the curtain but am caught before I hit the floor. But it's not by my Val...or at least I don't think it's Val.

"Whoa watch yourself princess." A light but husky voice says to me while picking me up and into their arms.

I'm too dizzy to understand what's going on. My head hurts and I need to lie down.

Before I know it the mystery person is leading me towards the couch and setting me down in their arms.

They smell feminine and are a bit cold but maybe it's the A/C. I close my eyes and try to clear my head of the pounding and need to puke.

A few minutes go by with the person talking to me but nothing registers in my brain. I nod my head and "mhm" my way through the conversation until the figure takes my chin between their thumb and index and lifts me to face their eyes.

Bright blue meets my own and before I can understand what's going on thin lips press against mine. I am shocked for a second before I kiss back. I don't know why but it feels good and I let the person take me.

I am too weak to push them away and I really need to lie down.

All of a sudden I hear the loud slam of the lounge door close. The person pulls away from me and I can finally see them.


I don't understand how or why she's here but that's beside the point...SHE KISSED ME!!!!

And I kissed her back....

I need to go find Val...I need to go find her right fucking now.

I push Ella away from me but she's quicker and more sober than I am right now and grabs my hand.

"Darling, why are you running?...I have missed you dearly...I saw on the news you were here and decided to head over here. I was vacationing here before I head back to France."

I stare in shock as my ex girlfriend talks to me like we are dating.

"I-I have to go...let me go. NOW!"

She releases me with a smile on her face.

"I missed you princess. Everyone has. Why are you always such a tease hmm? You know your parents and I have stayed in touch since you left for America. And I hear there's a certain someone new in your life. Don't worry that will change by the time you leave Greece."

I have no time to process what she's saying and I don't even care. I'm not hers and that's that. I can't tell if what she's saying is true or not but if it is then this trip is going to be anything but enjoyable.

I rush out of the room and towards the dance floor, but I don't see Lisa, Alex, or Josie the girl Val was talking to all night.

I walk towards Max and ask where the three of them went and he told me they were at the roof bar.

I stumble my way towards the elevator and press the top button. Gah I need to just get Val and go home. I need her.


I get a text from Lisa asking where I am. I am about to text her back but before I can reply I exit the elevator and onto the private rooftop bar.

I see Val and Josie on the side of the roof overlooking the railing. I start to head over before an angry Alex stops me.

"What in the actual FUCK is wrong with you Rose?!" I am taken aback by his words and aggression and let out a breathy chuckle of confusion.

"What do yo-"

"Don't even. I can't believe you would do such a thing. To think your little playboy reputation would have gone away but noooo princess Rose Castellanos is still the same as she was when she left!" He finishes telling me off but before he can get another word out Lisa moves him aside and grabs my arm.

As Lisa drags me to another side of the bar I see Alex head over to Josie and Val and talk to them.

"Rose honey," she lets out a sigh of disappointment. "Why on earth would you go kissing your ex? First off you have a girlfriend secondly the public is going to have a field day with this. 'Young playboy princess caught with ex', what the fuck is wrong with you."

I have small tears brimming in my eyes. I am so dizzy and tired and can barely think or speak.

Before I respond to Lisa about what happened Val and Josie head towards the elevator. I try to stumble past Lisa to get to her but I'm too late.

Everything hurts and it feels like I'm being spun around at the speed of light. I try to catch up to Val and press the button on the elevator but my arms are heavy.

And then everything around me goes dark.

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