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Val's POV:

I wake up to sunlight once again hitting my face, the room is warm and I am holding the smaller girl in my arms who is still fast asleep. I lean down and kiss her head, she is so perfect and utterly angelic at the same time.

I look down at my naked body and recall the prior hours festivities which bring me to images of her replaying in my mind on repeat. I slowly remove my arms from around her waist and get out of the bed, she makes a groggy little noise which leads to me stifling a laugh.  I quietly walk to the other side of the bed where she is sleeping and grab the toys I used earlier and head into my closet to grab a hoodie and some shorts.

I then make my way down the stairs with the toys in my hands to go wash them.

After a few minutes of silence and the water running over the soaped up toys I dry off the items and take them back upstairs and into my closet. I look at my phone and see that it is just a little past four o'clock so I make my way into the bathroom. I turn on the water for a bath and put lavender scented bath oils inside. I then light a few candles around the bathroom and some bubbles and soap for the tub.

I wait a few minutes till the large tub is full and then make my way back into my room to get Rose. I knew she would be sore and tired so I wanted to make sure she is treated right after everything we did.

I walk over and kneel next to her side of the bed and trail my fingers up and down her exposed arm. She begins to stir, then slightly opens her eyes and smiles at me.. "Heyy babyy..what time is it, did you sleep ok".. "Hello to you too my love and yes I slept great.. I ran a bath so you should get up and come join me, oh and it's almost five." She nods and takes my hand as I lead her to the bathroom.

We enter and the room is filled with dim candle light and the smell of lavender. She gasps and thanks me for doing all of this.

 We gently slip into the tub with me behind her and her resting her small body against my front. Once we settle into each other she sighs deeply and rests her head against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the side of her head and then lean back as well.

"Rose..?" I ask, "yes beautiful.." I sigh then wrap my arms more tightly around her afraid she will just up and leave, "I-I want to know more about you. I didn't even know your last name until just a few days ago. I want to know where you were born and about your family..and at some point I would like to meet them as well. I want to cook your favorite meal and watch your favorite movies and understand more about you..I just feel like you didn't open up at all to me and it's all one-sided at the moment." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and await a response from her.

"I know. I really am sorry. I wanted to tell you all about myself and everything about my family and life as well," she sighs and leans her hand up to stoke my own. "But it really isn't as simple as it should be. I was afraid..and still am afraid that once I tell you, you will get freaked out and end up just leaving me...Not to mention the fact that I wanted you to love me for me and not because of my history or family."

At this point Rose was starting to freak me out. She started to sound like her family was either super rich or she was part of some mafia boss thing. "I don't care about any of that Rose, I want to know the real you and love you for who you are." She sighs and tilts her head to the side to kiss me on the chest. "Ok..I will tell you everything about me. We can spend our night talking and laughing and getting to know each other better. I just want you to know that I love you and that I am very lucky to have you in my life.." She sighs then leans her head back and closes her eyes.

All of a sudden her stomach growls, "I'm also very hungry so let's order some food and talk about all our deep secrets and shit like that."

We both laugh and then wash up a bit and get out. We get some baggy clothes on and grab some blankets and pillows to take downstairs and make a little nest on the floor.

As we set up we decided what we wanted to eat and we settled on Pho from a little Vietnamese shop down the street. In no time the food arrives and we start to dig in and curl up within the little blanket nest we made.

We talked about how I was a total tomboy my whole young life and always climbed trees until one day I fell off one. "NO WAY!!.. So that's why you wanted to be a doctor? I thought it was because of you know, your parents".."'Haha yeah me and my seven year old self fell in love with the nurse fixing my broken leg and arm. I remember asking her out but then another female doctor around the same age as her came in and said that she was taken and I realised that those two girls were dating and I wanted to be exactly like them."

'In all reality I actually did get what I wanted' We talk for a bit more until Rose gets more serious. We talked for a bit about how her life was like growing up and from what she was telling me all I could take from it was that she was rich. And then all of a sudden she told me something I thought would have shocked me but it didn't. In fact I was excited and intrigued.

"So I was born in New York but that was because my family was there for business, I only spent three months of my life there and then it was time to go home to Greece. My family is basically part of a royal bloodline from Denmark and Greece. I lived my young life in two different houses, one in Denmark and the other in Greece.." My eyes widened at what she just said.

"Sooo you're like royal?..Like lives in a castle kind of royal and travels to meet with other royal people!" I wasn't upset but thrilled I finally got to know who Rose really was..I didn't care if she was royal but it also unraveled a lot more questions for me to ask.

"Well yes technically I am a princess and I do hold a royal title and an obligation to take the throne after my mother and father pass. I never lived in a castle but I did live in some huge houses that were worth more than I could imagine. And I am sure you have a lot more questions about everything which I will answer in time." I nod my head in understanding and then wrap my arms around her "Thank you for telling me..I don't know everything yet but I will try my best to understand when you tell me more in the future." She laughs then pulls back a bit, "well you can always look up my title and learn more about me from the internet."

I pull away and take my phone out. "Well can you give me your title, your highness?" I give her a sly smile and she just nudges me. "It's Princess Rose Aldora Castellanos of Greece and Denmark, I think there's some page that talks about my family as well."

I spend more time talking about her and asking her countless questions until I feel tired. I check the clock to see it is around midnight and look out the floor to ceiling windows revealing the city skyline, the lights and moon reflecting their light into my apartment.

"You wanna watch something, we can watch a movie or something..oh I know we can watch some comedy night stuff or maybe a Disney movie." Rose then grabbed the remote for the t.v. and started switching through channels. I watch as Rose bites her tongue and absentmindedly asks me what thing I want to watch, her light brown hair wavy and gorgeous and her bright  smile making my heart melt.

I really do love her. My princess.

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