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Vals POV:

Why am I so hot right now? The sleep on the plane was not nearly the amount I needed. My head is fucking killing me and my hands are all sweaty.

" do you want some water? Are you ok?" Rose looks to Tiff who swiftly hands her a bottle of water. "I am fine love just tired and nervous. The past few weeks have been...well...hard to say the least." "tell me about it," Tiff says under her breath. Emma shoots her a glare which in turn causes her to look out of the car window.

Rose must have sensed my unease and reached for my hand, intertwining our fingers gently. "Val, love," she murmured, her voice soft like a gentle breeze. "Everything will be alright. My family will adore you, just like I do." I smile at her words and know that no matter the outcome she is there for it all. "I love you Rose," I give her a small kiss and turn to look out the window. The scenery leading towards the manor and farther away from the airport is stunning. Fields of olive trees swarm the hillsides, the golden evening sunlight hitting them just right. I take out my phone and even snap a few pictures. As we continue the sounds of the car and Emma and Tiff's talking and laughter are all that consume the space. Rose seems to be just as out of it as I am.

"Rose," I grab her arm and pull her into my chest, "I was thinking about after we get to the house...are there any I don't know, good places to... hang out." I smile at her watching her eyes light up. "Well, actually I was thinking that if all goes well we could have a private date tonight. You and me and some wine....we could even get our bathing suits on and swim in our pool!""Im sorry our pool?" "Well yeah, there are three private lap pools and one main one in the house." Before I can respond Tiff pipes up from across us. "By any chance do we, I! I ha, DO I get a pool...?" The slip-up was so noticeable I stared right at her unamused. I can't blame her, she pulls, a theater geek pulls. "yes you have a pool, Tiff." Rose says in a monotone voice with a slight chuckle. Tiff sits back and smiles mumbling something incomprehensible. I smile to myself noticing that the mood has lightened and I feel less tense.

After driving for a while the sun has hit golden hour and the landscape is becoming less hilly and softer. We turn onto a narrow paved road, the beach is to the right of me, and black volcanic sand lines the coast with deep blue waters softly brushing the shore. We drive straight for a few more minutes, passing tourists, inhabitants, and stray animals. We pull up to a cobblestone wall with giant black gates. Two guards come to the car and talk to the driver before letting us in. Outside there are gardens with roses, olive trees, and lemon trees with blooming flowers all leading up to a giant ornate fountain in the center. 

The car slows and comes to a stop. Rose grabs my hand and interlaces our dingers. Kissing my hand softly. Tiff and Emma are chatting with each other and pointing out the window at the gardens and whatever else they find of interest. The doors open and Rose squeezes my hand before gracefully stepping out. I follow behind her shortly putting my hand back into hers. My eyes travel as I take in the giant manor in front of me. Mediterranean-style villa-like arches lined the lower floor, and gravel and olive trees surrounded the premise. The soft white and yellow tints of the house remind me of the sun. I know my jaw is open as I take in the beauty of the place I am in but I can't help it.

Rose squeezes my hand and I quickly snap out of the trance I was in and look to her. And then appearing from the center archway accompanied by two guards a tall tan man with short black hair and a chiseled face with a simple pair of linen trousers and tunic approaches. Holding his arm is a shorter curvy woman with stunning cat-like eyes, high cheekbones, and glowing skin wearing a classy flowy black cocktail dress. I notice that it is her parents so I stand up straight and smile wide as they make their way to standing in front of us.

"OH, MY BABY!" Rose's mother releases her father's arm and speed walks the next few steps before embracing her into a deep hug. Rose smiles and lets out an embarrassed "Hi Mom." Her father looks me in the eye and smiles. A smile that looks exactly like Rose's smile. I extend my hand and take hold of his to shake. "I assume are Valentina...correct?" His voice is low and surprisingly mellow. "Yes, your highness." He looks me up and down inspecting me in a way. Before I can say something more Rose's mother grabs me and pulls me into a warm hug. I glance over at her father who gives me some vibe and he's already greeting Tiff and Emma.

"OH VALENTINA!!! I have heard much of you, and I have done my own slight research. I have seen you on the news recently, at the um... the... Oh, the charity function. I must say you looked incredible and even better as a PAIR!" Her mother grabs us both and puts us side by side practically beaming. 'AH, what a sight, the future of this family's name has never looked better." We make some small talk before she excuses herself, making her way over to talk to Emma and Tiff. I notice her father isn't there anymore and is now talking to some official-looking man in a navy blue suit. His eyes meet mine and he gives me an authoritative look like he's trying to figure me out. I expected Her mother to be the one that would give me a hard time and not the opposite, but I guess not.

"Rose..," I turn to face her, "I don't know what I did wrong I presented myself nicely and greeted him the way you told me...I-" Rose cuts me off. "Honey no you did everything great do not worry one bit. He is just I don't know. It has been a while since I was here, maybe he is mad because of that and he thinks you are the reason. Let's get unpacked and enjoy our night yeah?" She kisses my lips softly and I nod my head smiling. I know I won't get over it yet, not until I know why he is being cold but at least her mother approves of me.

We make our way inside all together and I hate having the feeling that my presence here is not entirely welcome. I stand tall and hold onto my girl's hand awaiting the night and the rest of the time we are here.

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