your word against mine

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Rose's POV:

I wake up to the cool first air coming from the open windows in the room. I lean over to where Val should be but the bed is empty on her side. I frown but look past it. I barely remember what happened last night and I am almost 100% sure that the press is having a field day.

I snag my phone off the bedside table and it says it's 11am. I usually never sleep this late, even if I am really tired.

I stand up, do my morning routine and take a shower then get dressed in comfy clothes. Today was already planned to be a nice quiet day and it is what I was looking forward to most with Val. Once I am ready, and rid of the nasty breath I had from the night before, I head downstairs to find Val.

I make my way down the stairs and into the living room but she is not there. So I head on over to the kitchen and take a look but she's not there either. All of a sudden I hear a quiet and cute sneeze. The sneeze that belongs to my beautiful girlfriend.

I turn around and see she's out on the porch swing with a cup of what I am assuming is tea.

I smile and head over to her.

Except when I get outside she doesn't acknowledge that I am there. I walk around her to the other side of the cushioned porch swing and sit down next to her.

"Goodmorning V" I kiss her on the cheek and then pull back awaiting a response. She smiles slightly.

"morning Rose" She says in the most gruff unemotional way I have ever heard.

"What's wrong? Did something happen that I don't know about?" At this point I am a bit panicked and frustrated because I hate when we are hostile towards each other.

She snaps me out of my thoughts as she steps up from the swing and heads inside. But before she heads in she looks back and say's, "why don't you check your phone and find out." The door slams shut and I'm left alone again.

I hastily grab my phone from my back pocket and unlock it to see hundreds of notifications from managers, press, and friends. One that really stood out was a message from my parents.

'CONGRATS!!!! Your father and I can not wait to see you both. What a surprise," Suprise what I told her I was bringing Val, "we thought you would have brought that other girl but we are just as happy if not more happy to see you have gotten in touch with her again...see you soon dear."

OTHER GIRL?!?!? What other girl, VAL is the ONLY girl...

I go to the other messages to see what's going on and a photo stops me dead in my tracks.

It's a picture of Ella and I kissing in the club last night.

I-I don't even remember her being there. HELL I don't even remember much of yesterday.

The picture is everywhere on the internet. And a mix of emotions from people are in the comments.

Everyone thought I was with Val and now I am being called a cheater and a slut.

I don't even remember doing this at all.

I stand up and throw my phone down onto the pillows of the swing and try taking deep breaths.

Is this why Val is mad? Do my friends know? I need her. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't see myself being without her.

I try to calm down but it just turns into deep sobs and clenched fists. I lean up against the banister, close my eyes and listen to the birds and wind.

I can't lose her. This has to be the worst thing that has ever happened.

I don't even know if she will believe me and that's the real problem.

And here I was,

thinking that this trip would give me the opportunity...

to propose.

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