with you

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Rose POV:

Feelings of nostalgia hit me like a tidal wave as I look from left to right, remembering the things that were there since my childhood. I take into account the way things have changed, the way my parents look, the people working for us, and the house itself. Colors have changed on the accents of the house. The shutters are no longer blue, but a light sage green. The ivy that once was small has overtaken the structure of the house and holds it in its grasp. Walking through the halls with Val by my side gives me a sense of pride. The feeling of having someone so precious, who holds your heart in their grasp, and finally being in a place where you spent the most formative of years is, to be honest nerve-wracking. We walk by chatting and discussing paintings. My mother explains countless heirlooms to the group as we walk our way toward the guest wing. After escorting Tiff and Emma to their single room we make our way to the other side of the manor. To my room. Just as I left it. My mother unlocks the large wooden ornate door and hands me the metal key. The door opens and I am instantly transported back into the comfort of a space I know. The paintings on the wall, the floor to ceiling windows that lead to the giant wrap-around balcony with the infinity pool, and the soft ornate Turkish carpet laid out over the hardwood floor. "WELL! I will see the both of you later tonight for the 'ball', I do hope you dress for the occasion, young lady..." She turns her eyes to me and gives me a side-eyed up-and-down look. "Val, dear," she turns to Val and grabs her hand. Val looks at me with a sort of awkward 'help me out' look, to which I just mouth a 'sorry. "I will see you later, do make sure she wears what she is supposed to wear....she knows better. I will see you both later." She smiles and walks out the door closing it behind her. I sigh in relief and turn to scoop Val into a giant hug burying my face into the side of her neck and inhaling her warm scent. Val puts one arm around me and the other is buried into my hair. "mhm I needed you." I sigh into her. "I know my love I needed you too." We let each other go and pick up our items and start packing. I am almost done, setting away my shoes in the closet. "Hey, Rose!" Val calls from outside on the balcony, the sun going down into a soft glow. "Yeah?!" "Have you ever brought some girl here other than me!?" I can't see myself but I feel the heat rush to my cheeks at the question. "Uhhh yeah...why!?" I turn around to see Val closing the door to the balcony she has already changed into a red velvet material dress that accentuates her curves showing off her body in the most sexy and elegant way. Her black and crystal-covered heels giving her extra height. She looks so good I can't help but take all of her in. "Oh you know...just wondering. Do I know any of them?" She walks up to me and fiddles with my black blazer. "Well uh, there is you know Ella...and then there is Aurora and some other girls but it's really not important.." "Oh, well aren't you the most welcoming of princesses." She husks out smirking and playing with the golden coin necklace I am wearing. "ha well that was a while ago so ya know.." She eyes me up and down and hums back to my response. Her green eyes and dark hair framing her face have me absolutely feral and I can't control myself. I lean forward and touch the tip of my nose with hers. Her smile fades into a lustful grin. I lick her upper lip and curl my tongue which causes her to shudder and pull me into a heated kiss. I swallow her tongue and capture the moan she lets out. I chase the lips that break away from my own and open my eyes to see an amused Val. "I do love this red on you..you should leave some buttons undone, you have lovely collar bones." She kisses me quickly on the cheek and hurries me to get my sash and crown on. I almost forget my phone but Val tosses it to me telling me we have to move it. She's so bossy Jesus. I grab Val's hand and walk down the staircase towards the garden. We pass multiple guards and see guests gathering nearby. I do not know what o expect when it comes to these social gatherings but I stop to turn to Val. "Ok so, all eyes will be on us unfortunately, but it doesn't hurt that I have the world's hottest woman next to me," "Oh shut up dork." Val rolls her eyes at me. " I just want you to stay close to me and if the press or people are talking about the past we have to get over that and not let it ruin our night ok love?" "Do not worry Rose...I will be fine and you and I will get through tonight and then there is a brand new day tomorrow." Right as we are about to make our way to the party I hear my name. "Rose..." I turn around to face a young teen boy with slicked-back blonde hair and light brown eyes. "ALEX" I run into my younger brother's arms. "MOM SAID YOU WERE STILL AT SCHOOL" " I WAS!!! But I finished up early to come to see you!" He holds me tight and then whispers into my ear. "Is that Valentina?" "Mhm" "She's pretty....ur lucky someone like her is with well....you." I pull back and punch his arm which he laughs off. He walks over to Val and introduces himself with a cheeky smile. "Ya know Alex you and your sister have the same mischievous smile." We talk for a bit before Alex bids us goodbye and tells us we will talk later. I left when he was 14 and now he looks almost unrecognizable. Val and I both watch as he greats the doormen and straightens out his navy blue suit and sash, adjusting his crown to sit right before nodding. The doors open and guards move swiftly to stand at attention on the staircase drawing their swords from their sheaths. "Prince Alexander Orion Castellanos!" The bellman speaks loudly as the whole crowd watches Alex walk down the stairs and into the sea of people. The doors close once more and it's now time for Val and I to make our way to the party as well. We pass by the guards who give me a slight bow of their heads until we are at the doors leading to the garden, Royal servants are awaiting my approval to open the doors and give our entrance. I look to Val who kisses my lips softly and I nod my head. The doors open wide and the guards once again come to attention holding their swords high in the air. The crowd turns to view us. Hundreds of people are in attendance the entire garden is full of craning necks waiting to see the latest item of the royal family. "Princess Rose Aldora Castellanos and Ms. Valentina Fraser!" The crowd is practically silent except for the cameras clicking and shuffling bodies. Val and I are on the last set of stairs and an eruption of applause fills the air. News reporters are filming, and it feels a lot too much. I smile and wave, shake hands and lead Val and me to the center where my mother and father are. My mother smiles at me, my father is standing next to my brother talking. "Well, don't you two positively make the most perfect match."

Mistresses RoyalOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora