I Need You

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Val's POV:

I watch the rock I just skipped leave my hand and make three small jumps before sinking with a soft 'plop'. I turn on my heels, the soft pebbles under me and the cool water making me shiver. I bend over and pick up another soft rounded stone. I hold it in my hand and look at the soft red lines that carve through it and trace them with the tip of my finger. I give it a few tosses in the air before aiming it at the other edge of the river. Right as I am about to skim it across the river I hear running from behind me I turn around and right before I could see who it was or what it was warm arms enveloped me around my waist. Soft brown hair that smells like coconut brushes my nose and chin. I don't think about the past or what has occurred recently, all I do is wrap my arms around her as she lets soft sobs out. I begin to cry and as much as I try to hold in the tears, they just keep falling.

We stood like this for a while while the sounds of the river, birds, trees, and wind surrounded us. I sniffle and pull away from Rose. Her red eyes and pink nose were all from crying. Deep down I want to hold her but my brain and heart are telling me to protect myself and the way I feel. "Val...I really...oh god just give me a sec." She is breathing heavily and folds her hands into her pockets, moving around trying to calm her nerves. I keep quiet waiting for her to start talking again. "Look I know you are upset. I know this conversation is something you don't want to talk about and I know you probably feel like yelling at me or hell even breakup, but all I ask is you listen to me. Hear me. And help me." She looks at me with pleading eyes and her mouth opens a bit like she's trying to tell me something. "Ok Rose, ok let's talk. Let's hear it."

"This morning when I woke up alone in bed I had no memory of last night at all. I know you have now seen stuff on the internet about me being a "playboy" or a "party animal" but I am not that way. At least not anymore. I certainly never drank so much to the point of throwing up or not being able to remember things. The way I felt this morning was a way I have never felt before and I was scared. When you left this morning I went back inside to get some tea and try and figure out what happened. I pieced it together as much as I could and figured out what happened. The truth of it all Val was that last night I was drugged and sexually assaulted by Ella." My heart stopped...My mouth went dry and looking at Rose and the way she was shaking only made my heart break. The fucking ugly fucking bitch that took advantage of Rose. The one that made me hate Rose. The one that made me want to leave the thought of her and all of this in the past was the reason why!

"SHE DID WHAT!?!?" I step out of the water and closer to Rose. "She used to be my girlfriend. We grew up together and my parents loved and still love her. She was my first real relationship and both of our families wanted us to get together. Over time I realized she was toxic and forceful and I felt like I was drowning in the relationship. I hadn't pursued any higher degree and I didn't travel when we were together. In light of that, I decided to break up with her. She didn't take it well and my parents accused me of ruining their reputation and begged me to get back together with her." I tried to keep my calm and keep myself from getting too obsessed with this Ella girl but my head was running wild and all I wanted to do was track her down and beat the shit out of her.

"and that's why I moved... that's why I am here with you. You are the reason I am still a doctor and still myself. I need you Val I need you to be on my side and just help me because I feel like I'm drowning. I am scared! I don't feel like myself I feel so gross and-" I grab her and pull her into me burying my face into the side of her neck.

"Rose my love I will be here for you I am yours I promise. My baby, I'm so sorry I don't even know what to say...I need you to tell me more later but right now I am here for you and I am going to take care of you. If you want to cry you can cry. If you need food I will go get you food. My poor thing I am so sorry." I tighten my grip and hold her so close she has to tap my shoulder to let me loosen up my grip.

"I want to go home now. I just want some time away from the media and away from everything else but you.


I gather my jacket and put my shoes back on before grabbing Rosie's hand and walking on the path back to the house. Once we arrive I dart straight to the kitchen and start making tea for us. I let the kettle boil and make my way to the big sofa and throw soft blankets and pillows onto it making it look soft and inviting for Rose and me. Once the tea kettle is whistling from the Kitchen I call Rose down. The soft sound of her feet coming from behind me make me smile. I wish I would have listened earlier or tried to understand. But anger and sadness do things that we all regret.

"Here you go, my love." I hand her some mint tea with honey in a red and white flower mug. She grabs it with a smile and puts it on the counter behind me then wraps herself around me like I am the only thing keeping her here. I try to look at her but she's crying again. "I swear I am going to kill the bitch." Ella and her smug self must be having the time of her life right now with the buzz in publicity. I lean down a bit before hooking my right arm under Rose's thigh and hoisting her into the air. Her legs wrap around my waist and her head falls onto my shoulder as I carry her over to the couch and place her down.

"Give me a sec honey I am going to go grab tea and snacks." I kiss her nose and do a shuffle-like jog around the couch and to the kitchen to receive the stuff. I place the tea on the coffee table and give her this sour candy stripe thing she enjoys and take a seat next to her lying down. Her body scoots over and she rests her leg over mine and puts her head on my chest.

We start watching New Girl and relax into each other and the softness of the couch and blankets. After an hour or so, soft snores come from Rose and a piece of sour candy is hanging from her mouth. I grab it and set it aside then stroke her soft cheeks and play with her cute ears. How could anyone do this to her? How could anyone have even the audacity to do this to her?

I get on my phone while holding my little Rose with my left arm and search for the recent uproar and news of the situation. I click on one of the many articles on Rose and Ella kissing. A video is playing with a reporter asking Ella questions on the subject. What happens next makes my blood boil and my hand grip my phone as if I could break it.

"Ella ELLA!! Long time no see of the royal romance that is you and Princess Rose, what do you have to say about recent rumors of you and Princess Rose being together again?"

The reporter pans the microphone toward Ella who is smiling and wearing a white button-down shirt and smoking a cigarette. She blows the smoke out and smirks into the camera while leaning down towards the mic.

"It feels good to be together again." 

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