Im Sorries

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VAl's POV:

After seeing Rose with her so called "ex" I was done. I have been cheated on before and it hurts. The excuses the lying. I can't stand it.

I make my way through the club before two bouncers rush past me and towards the elevator. I wave it off and make my way outside. George is waiting there with the car. He comes around and opens the door for me.

After I'm seated a bouncer walks out with an unconscious Rose in his arms.

"Hiya George. Sorry for the wait, the club supervisor believes she was drugged, we're looking into it, don't be alarmed. She's breathing but completely out of it. Take it easy." He places Rose in the front seat next to George. And buckles her seatbelt.

I hope she's alright but that doesnt make me any less upset.

We head off towards the house with Lisa, Alex, and Josie texting me. They are concerned about Rose but also upset that this occurred tonight. I text them that I will update them later on how she is and what's going on.

I put my phone away and stare out the window before shutting my eyes. A few minutes later the gruff voice of George gets my attention.

"Ya'know when she was younger she was a lot more rowdy, always getting herself and her parents in trouble. Lisa told me what occurred and I am not justifying her actions but I thought I should let you know who that girl was."

He lets out a deep sigh before continuing on.

"Princess Ella Arquette of France.... She and young Rose used to date. They were both madly in love with each other and both families loved each other. Roses' parents ended up pushing them closer to try and get them to marry each other, but Rose was hesitant....this is why she went to America. She broke up with Ella after catching her cheating. And decided it was best for her to have a fresh start." he smiles at me in the mirror before letting one last thing out.

"She has come a long way after being hurt. And she loves you dearly. Don't go assuming crazy things until you know the whole of it. You both are perfect for each other."

I smile and thank him before curling into a ball and falling asleep.


When we pull up to the cabin it is well past two in the morning and the moon and patio lights are the only thing visible in the cool dark.

George carries Rose into our room and lies her on the bed before nodding at me and leaving.

I undress and put on a pair of american eagle boxer shorts and an oversized shirt. I also get out some fresh comfy socks and head to the bathroom to do my nightly routine.

After I finish I head back out to our room and Rose is sure enough sleeping or dead on the bed. Her mouth has some drool on the side of it and her hair is tousled and out of her original styled look. I laugh and save the memory in my head for another time before moving over to her.

I grab the hem of her dress and lift it over her head and take it off. Her black lingerie being visible, making my chest tighten.

I head to the closet and get out one of my shirts for her and a pair of her sweatpants.

I walk back to her sleeping self and unclasp her bra and put the shirt over her head. I then take her underwear off and put her sweatpants on. I walk to the bathroom and grab a washcloth and some makeup remover and help take it off her face.

I clean up a bit and then turn off the lights and head to bed. I lie down facing away from Rose and pull the covers up. Right after I closed my eyes to the sound of soft rain outside warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me close. I sigh deeply and let it happen.

Warm lips press against the side of my neck before whispering in my ear.

"I love you my princess."

But I don't know if she's talking about me or her...

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