Let Me Get to Know You

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Rose POV:

It was already 7 pm and I get off at 8pm. I was tired and bored and this was by far the slowest day at the hospital since my arrival a few months ago.

I was getting thirsty so I decided to finish up the rest of my paperwork then head over to the staff lounge to relax until my shift ended. All the paperwork I was doing was from last week basically and today is Friday. Nothing big is going on which I should be grateful for but I get bored when I can't do anything.

Finally finished with work I grab my stuff and look up to the clock. It is 7:30 so I should just take everything with me and lock up for the night. I head out my door and lock it but before I turn around I feel hot breath against my right ear that makes me shiver.

" hey there Rose"

I know that voice. Even Though we haven't talked much today since the morning it feels like we have gotten closer.

I turn around and peer up into the taller girls emerald eyes and breath out "hey yourself"

I push her back a little and give a soft smirk her way and begin to walk towards the lounge. I suddenly hear footsteps from behind me and look beside me to see her tall figure right beside me. She smiles down at me and is still in her work attire. I have changed out of it and into my casual sweatpants and shirt.

"When do you get off" I ask nonchalantly. " I got off at 7pm"

I remember that it is around 7:30 and then ask why she stayed overtime.

"Because you don't get off till 8pm and I thought I would take you to get some ummm dinner?"..."That is if you want..no pressure... I just thou-"

I stop her by putting my hand on her shoulder and look up to meet her reddened face. It's a Friday night and a beautiful, smart, funny girl is right in front of me asking me on date and getting all flustered.

I smile at her and touch her reddened cheek. " Of course. I would love to go to dinner with you." I let my hand fall and she takes a deep breath.

*they are outside walking*

I look over to Val and see her fidgeting with her hoodie. She's wearing her scrubs underneath yet she looks like a model. Her long black hair and shaped face make her look angelic. Her tan skin gives off a caramel color that makes her look perfect in every way possible.

She must have sensed me staring at her so she stopped playing with her hoodie string and looked at me.

"Where are we going" I ask

"To the best taco truck in the world" she smiles at me and grabs my hand.

We are nearing the waterfront where it is lit up with colorful lights and bustling with crowds of people.

She drags me towards a smaller section of the large market area and we stop in front of a black medium sized truck. The smell of lime and meat wafting through the air.

I get excited and so does Val. We both order our food which she ends up paying for, even though I already had my money out. A few moments later and our food is done and we go sit down on a secluded park bench overlooking the ocean front.

We smile and laugh and eat the best tacos I have ever had and sit there for a while after just talking.

"Ok ok favorite color?" Val asks

"I have always loved blue but green is also one of my favorites...how about you?"

"Well I really like the color red...but recently I have been looking a lot more at blue and there is this particular shade I really like"

I look at her and smile. She seems so happy and lively. "And what shade is that?" I say in a questioning tone.

" I don't really know how to describe the actual shade but it is the absolute best shade of blue...i'm positive about that '' She looks at me and props her head onto her hand. We are sitting face to face on the bench and all I can see is the gorgeous features of her face in the colorful lights.

"Well where is the color can you point it out or show me a picture" I ask

"Hmm yeah I think I can find a picture...give me a sec"

She pulls her phone out and goes into her camera. She then points the camera at me and snaps a quick picture of me.

"HEY!.. C'mon Val I thought you were gonna show me a picture not take pictures!!!"

"Woah woah sorry princess... no harm no foul I was just trying to show you the shade of blue im in love with." My mind gets caught on the pet name. Not only am I an actual princess and she doesn't know it but the way my heart aches to tell her everything about me and my life and the way she makes me feel. I have only known her for 2 or 3 months and this is the first time we really have talked. We have a lot in common and a lot of differences as well. But the way she makes me feel is something indescribable.

She turns the picture that she just took of me towards me so I can take a look. I still don't get it until she points it out.

"Look. It's your eyes. You have the bluest eyes and I love them." she says with a soft voice. A voice that certainly doesn't fit her commanding and dark demeanor.

My heart rate picks up and I stare at her in awe. "Y-you think my eyes are the prettiest shade of blue?" I really can't stop my heart from beating so loud. I am afraid that she can hear it and my panicked breathing.

"Mhm...the best shade of them all" she seductively whispers into my ear, sending all logical thoughts out the window. She gets closer to me and pulls me in by the small of my back. Her soft hand snakes its way up to the back of my neck and into my hair. Everything is hot. Adrenaline rushes through my body and I beg myself to calm down but everything feels so right.

Just before we could go any further a loud crash from behind us startles us. We break apart and see some mishap with a delivery or something.

I take my phone out and look at the time. It is already midnight and I did not bring my car to work today. And it is too late to catch a bus back home. I am about to go into my Uber app and get someone to drive me home when I am interrupted.

"Where do you live?" Val asks me sweetly

"On the other side of the waterfront east boulevard."

"Oh you are near the hospital but in the other direction..." I nod my head yes

"Well if you want you can come home with me. I live a few blocks away and would love to have you over" I look at Val and rack my brain for an answer trying to pick out pros and cons of what would happen if I said yes or no.

"That would be great...maybe this way we could do something tomorrow." I say excitedly. Almost as if I were a teenager planning a sleepover.

Val smiles at me and stands up offering her hand to me.

"Shall we my princess"

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