Paparazzi Pt:2

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Rose POV:

"I don't understand why we have to make a public appearance right now. It's so late and I'm tired." Val drags her words out from beside me. She's wearing a velvety red suit with black lapels. Her curly hair is up in a bun with loose strands around her face. She looks beautiful and I can't believe she is mine.

"We have to make an appearance because of the shit that went down a few days ago. You know I don't want this, but the press and Ella have made it out that she and I are magically back together."

"I hate that bitch. I can't believe you used to date her. What are you going to say to the people?" Val's warm hand rests on my exposed thigh. My satin red dress riding up.

"I am not going to say anything." I blatantly put out and look out the window.

"So you are just going to show up and not answer questions? What about the so-called 'relationship' between you and little miss Princess Ella." Valentina says her name in a mocking tone rolling her eyes, which makes me chuckle.

"Well." I look at Val holding her hand. "Once we arrive, you and I will go hand in hand to the venue. Stopping every now and then for pictures of course, but no questions. I did not tell you, because I knew you would have something to say but Ella will be there. The venue is solely a fundraiser for a national park, and I thought that if you and I show up and look very close then the press will stop with this bullshit."

"Well what if this makes it worse? What if they start saying stuff like 'royal trio? is princess Rose polyamorous?' How will this work out?"

"Well, my mom said that we will do a press release once you and I are in Greece. She doesn't want us to experience this without being in an, I don't know, 'controlled environment'. I do air quotes and roll my eyes looking down at my phone and seeing the time.

A knock is heard and our driver rolls down the screen divider. "Excuse me, Princess. We are here. Shall I open your door or must you prepare?"

I look at Val who squeezes my thigh in acknowledgment of being ready. "No no, we are ready." I give him a smile before he gets out of the car to open the door. The minute the door opens a cool breeze hits me. Golden lights flash and microphones are pushed toward Val and me. I am about to grab Val's hand when I feel her warm hand placed on my hip. We start walking towards the doors to the venue pausing every now and then for a picture.

"Princess Rose, what is the story behind your long love for Ella?" One reporter shouts out to me. "Princess Rose, are you and Princess Ella planning on getting married?" "When is the royal wedding?" "Are the comments on behalf of Princess Ella true?" "Princess Rose, are you aware that Princess Ella is here tonight as well?" Valentina's grip on my hip tightens slightly and I just smile and continue walking.

Val and I finally get inside the venue, no reporters or photographers for now but that won't last long.

"Rose, you ok?" Val pulls me to her as we walk through the great hall.

"Yes, baby I am fine don't worry." I spin around and kiss her warm soft lips. A smile spreading on her face.

Once we are escorted to our table Val and I notice reporters, journalists, and committee leaders making their way around the people and discussing topics.

"You still haven't told me your plan Rose, I know that you are thinking of something that's either going to rile people up or make your parents mad."

"Right now the situation we are in with this whole Ella mess is the reason why I have to fight back with a little bit of force. I am going to tell one reporter that you and I are together and I will kiss you in front of cameras as much as I can till people start acknowledging that you are my girlfriend."

"Awww you do love me." Val giggles and sips on some champagne holding my hand. I lean forward and capture her lips for a brief moment before pulling away. A fancily dressed reporter walks up to us and bows.

"Princess Rose, I am Angeline, a reporter for DGT News Network. I was hoping to get your input on things pertaining to Princess Ella and your relationship." Angeline and her camera crew close in on Val and me, cameras recording, microphones in my face.

"Well, Angeline" I pull Val into my chest kissing the side of her head. "You see, Princess Ella and I have not been in contact for many years, in fact, she has become a bit of a stalker in the sense of tracking me down, attending venues I am at, and infiltrating my relationship. But I can honestly and truthfully say there is no comparison between what Ella is and what Valentina is. Both physically and mentally Valentina is superior and far more worthy of a crown than Ella."

Before I could stop myself I blabbed out 'worthy of a crown', I don't know if Val knows what I meant by that but too late for what if's.

"And by crown do you mean marriage princess?" My eyes go wide and internally I'm screaming and crying. FUCK!

"No. Not necessarily marriage, more like my current partner is more mature and acts more royal than a current princess. And maybe that is something the royal family should look into." I smile and say my goodbyes still not letting go of Val.

"Ohhh so you love me love me." She squishes my cheek and laughs. "Mhm, whatever." I give quick kisses to her face and she laughs. I love her laugh.

"Good evening ladies." Val and I stop what we are doing and look up to see Ella.

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