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Rose POV:

I am in a police station downtown handcuffed and waiting in a cold as fuck jail cell!! I have been here for well over five hours and am cold, tired and hungry.

As soon as I got here my phone was taken which meant I had no way of communicating with Val or anyone for that matter. But that is not even important now. It is late, close to midnight and I was not paying attention when a familiar voice called out for me that I recognized and yearned for immediately.

"ROSE!"... her beautiful voice called out to me. I got up and looked over to the closed hallway and saw her walk by and straight towards an officer. The officer was speaking to her but all I could see were their mouths moving. She looked perfect but just as tired as me and all I wanted was for her warm body to embrace my own.

She looks over to where I am being held and her emerald green eyes pierced into my soft blue ones. She gives me a tired smile and mouths the words, 'it will be okay', I calm down a little and feel more at ease now that she's here for me.

As she continues to talk with the officer two well dressed people enter the station. A tall fit man with black hair combed back wearing a navy blue suit walks hand and hand with a beautiful slender woman with tan skin and bouncy brown hair. They walk to where Val is and I realize that those are her parents.

Her parents speak to the man and he looks at them with utter admiration and nods his head. He walks towards the door to the hallway and unlocks it.

He walks up to my holding cell and opens it. He grabs my wrists and unlocks the metal cuffs with a click.

I feel around my wrists until I am embraced with warm arms. I hug back instantly and bury my head into the crook of her neck. I inhale and smell her spicy yet feminine cologne and sigh. She kisses the top of my head and whispers sweet things to me to make me feel better.

"Ahem" A gruff yet mellow voice interrupts

We lightly let go and I turn in her arms to see the two dashing people in front of me.

Before anyone can speak Val speaks up.. " this is Rose... My girlfriend."

She looks down at me and smiles sweetly. Granted, her saying I'm her girlfriend shocked me but nonetheless made me happy to be hers and her mine.

Her parents smile happily at us and walk forward with excitement and open arms. I shake her dad's hand and her mother next. "My what a lovely girl sweetheart. We are very happy you two have found each other. You are the Rose that works as a surgeon in our hospital, correct?" her mother looks at me with bright eyes awaiting an answer.

"Yes ma'am I do...that's how I met Val. But we really got talking when we saw each other at our favorite tea shop." Val held me tighter as her father spoke to her about the current situation. He said he would have people on it and that this will all be taken care of.

After everything is settled we exit the station. It is some early time in the morning yet still dark out and I haven't slept in ages. I feel like shit and just want to take a shower and sleep.

"Val, Rose, why don't you both take a week or two off. If there is an absolute emergency then the hospital will call you both in. You both have been through a lot this week and a break is well deserved." He smiles at us both and we thank them both for their help. I tell them how lovely it was to meet and get to know them.

I was so tired I barely remembered their names. Her fathers name is David and her mothers is Lillian. Of course their last name is Fraser like the hospital and I completely envy their power couple style.

We say our goodbyes and I make my way hand and hand to Val's car.

"Rose..I am sorry I sprung the girlfriend thing on you so quickly. I understand if you don't wa-..."

I cut Val off and smashed my lips onto hers. I haven't seen her almost all week and between the stress from today and the past week all I need is her.

We move our lips together in a heated kiss. She bites and sucks at my bottom lip and trails her hand up to the back of my neck to force me closer to her warm mouth. I shudder as her other hand slides down to the small of my back and pushes me closer. I let out a small whimper and I feel her smile against my lips.

We pull away from each other and Val slumps against the door of the car. I snuggle into her and smile. Val kisses the top of my head and then leans in close to my ear.

"Let's go home love"

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