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Val's POV: 

I do want love. I want to feel like I have a person there just for me. I want that person to be not only someone I love but a friend and buddy who I can have a lively connection with. I have had one person that made me feel that way but they are long since gone. I guess it was a "right person, wrong time" situation. But to dwell on the past only makes things worse in the long run.

I decided to take an afternoon shift today. I will be working late, but it gives me time to take care of me in the morning. I don't live in some giant house or any house at all. I live in a spacious penthouse apartment near the hospital. I used to have a roommate...but let's just say it didn't work out according to plan. They were a slob! And always late on rent. Nevertheless, I cut them out of my life.

I enjoy tea over coffee. I know most would agree, but it is what it is. There is a cute tea shop down the street from me and on my way to work, "T Time". The little tea shop is like a ritual. I wake up, do my thing, and go get tea.

Lots of the other nurses and doctors I work with always assume I'm mean, rude, or spoiled just because I got a job at the hospital my parents own.

When I was young I grew up without my parents a lot of the time. And by the time I turned eighteen and was off to college it was a little too late. I still love my parents...just not as much as I should.

*time jump*

'My feet feel so heavy' I say to myself. Once again another restless night. The stress and anger that are pent up inside of me are finally taking a toll on my mental and physical health.

As I walk towards "T Time" I feel my body begin to relax and all the negative feelings subside.

*ding* I open the shop door and am hit with the smell of rose hips, ginger, cinnamon, and a mix of every other calmingly sweet scent there is.

I make my way towards the counter and am greeted with the familiar face of an old woman.

"Hello dear!" the grey haired older woman says to me. Mrs. Suwan, the sweetest old woman you would ever meet. She gives hugs like they cure everything, which in my case they do.

She walks around the counter and gives me a warm and much needed hug.

"I have been busy...I wish I could be here more often to see you. After all you are my favourite customer" she says

"Well, I too have been busy. The hospital is doing great but me personally... not so much." I say with a frown.

"Not to worry dear, the world always has a plan. And for someone as great as you I'm sure there will be good in your life soon." "NOW! How about I make your favourite, hmm?"

My favourite tea... Oolong milk tea. I usually get it iced, unless the winds pick up and I get cold. But today is sunny and bright and I am trying to make the most of it.

After I nod my head yes to Mrs. Suwan's commentary I look around the tiny shop. It is fairly empty of other customers except for a few.

I look towards the worn out leather sofa where I spot a familiar light brown haired girl.


It has been somewhat awkward. We have not spoken since the time Grace interrupted us and scared her away.

Speaking of Grace. Our little hookup was around two weeks ago, maybe even longer, and I have apologized to her for being rude. She just doesn't know how to stay in her place!

I decide I am going to stop being such a little bitch and just go up to Rose.

I shuffle up to where she is seated and see that she is reading a book. I can't tell which one but she seems extremely invested into it. I set my stuff down on the other side of the sofa and wait for those big blue eyes to meet my piercing emerald ones.

Sure enough she closes her book and looks up at me in confusion...and then a big pearly white smile breaks across her face.

"Hey Val!...It's been a minute" She says to me in a chipper and light voice. I am about to say something until I feel a warm slender hand wrap around my wrist and pull me down.

I plop down onto the sofa right next to the annoyingly perfect girl that I for some reason am always nervous around.

"You doing ok... we haven't talked much, well since you know." she says with an awkward chuckle at the end. She probably still thinks I am dating Grace even though that was never the case to begin with.

" Yeah...ya know Rose I was meaning to talk to you about that day. I tried to apologize and Grace just had to show up...I hope you know that we are not actually dating, she's just very possessive of our friendship and cant take no for an answer."

She's about to say something but I quickly interject

"I also really enjoy talking to you. I think you are an incredible doctor and person in general. I wanted to establish a good relationship with you and I apologize for being such a hot head and closed off" I speak so quick that it comes out almost I'm begging for her to just talk to me.

I look into her sapphire eyes waiting for her to say anything and all the sudden... she laughs.


Right at my face and to me trying to be genuine and open up. I start to panic like I have lost every shred of pride that I used to have all because of her. But all of that stops when I feel her grasp my hand.

I look down to see her fingers intertwined with mine with her thumb slowly stroking over the top of my hand in small deliberate circles. My breath hitches in my throat and I feel all warm.

"You're fine." she says in a chuckle. "I think highly of you as well. And I enjoy talking with you. I would love to get to know you better...If you allow me to"

I am as light as air and as hot as fire. It's been forever since I have felt such a strong connection with someone like I feel with Rose. It thrills and excites me just as much as it scares me. But I want to see where we could go. Friendship or more.

My thoughts are interrupted by Mrs. Suwan bringing me my to go cup of tea and her goodbye hug. But before she pulls away she whispers into my ear "She's good for you, treat her the way you would treat your favourite tea" I pull away and stifle a laugh at her dorky remark but I know she is right.

I turn after Mrs. Suwan leaves and look to Rose who is finishing up her cup of what seems to be green tea. She then grabs her things and says goodbye to Mrs. Suwan who gives me a knowing look which I wave off.

I head out the door with Rose to a shift we would both share at the hospital. And a smile plastered onto my stupid face.

Do I like Rose?

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