120 hours

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Val's POV:

It's been a week since I have seen Rose. Well, other than the split second I see her during work. This week has been hectic for her. She texted me the other night at around ten and said she was working the night shift.

By the time I get to work she has either left or is just leaving to go home.

After our weekend date we had to get back to real life. Things here at the hospital are not the best. There have been some rumors of budget cuts and that freaked the nurses out. On top of that Rose hasn't been the same.

It is one thing to be tired and work through the night but she experienced her first on duty death.

Some young girl came into the hospital with her husband. He was apparently not able to form a coherent sentence and was unable to stand without swaying.

The wife claimed they were in their house when he started acting strangely and then collapsed. She called paramedics but he woke up shortly before they arrived.

According to his files it was a minor stroke and he was put on supervision and given medication that Rose prescribed.

But a few days later the EMT's brought the same guy in. And Rose was the only one there.

She said that he was having a seizure and coughing up blood. Before Rose could think he died on the spot.

Now she thinks it's her fault that he died and is waiting for an autopsy report.

I told her she did everything she could do in such little time but she still is upsetted by it. But then again who wouldn't be. The wife was not as kind and understanding as others and threatened poor Rose.

She was spouting something along the lines of how it was the pills that caused her husband's death and that she was going to sue Rose.

Nothing has happened however and it is Friday. However Rose is laying low and working the day shift so she can leave with me.

I wanted to make her feel better so I had a little date night planned for the both of us after work.

I am just now finishing up some paperwork from an old patient of mine when a knock on my door echoes through the room. I set my stuff down back into a folder and tell whomever is outside to come in.

In walks three uniformed officers. The one woman officer enters first followed by the two male officers. She looks down at me like I am a target and begins to speak to me.

"Dr. Castellanos?" she says in a very questioning tone, "ummm no I am Dr. Fraser, I do not know a Dr. Castellanos...do you need something?" The officer sighs, "I apologize for the intrusion doctor... we must have gotten mixed up. Do you know where we could find the doctor we are looking for?"

"Well I could escort you to the break room for whoever you are looking for will be there. If not then they have most likely gone home." She nods and I stand to leave with them.

We turn a few corners until we reach the break room and I enter it to find James, Rose, and a few others talking. Rose turns and smiles at me but it slowly fades when she sees the three cops following me in the door.

Rose moves over to me and asks what is going on but I honestly didn't even know myself. We stand in silence until the female cop speaks up. "I am looking for a Dr. Castellanos" I look around the room and then my eyes land on the shorter girl next to me. She is tensed up and visibly shocked.

"M-me that me" Rose says, "is there a problem?" she is unable to ask another question before the cops turn to face her and walk towards her. The two male officers cuff her hands behind her back and grab her arms.

"Dr.Castellanos you are being arrested for the suspected murder of Mr. Jackson..." my eyes widen as well as everyone else's in the room. Is this about the man that died on the spot. What the actual fuck.

"You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney and if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed for you. If you waive these rights and talk to us, anything you say may be used against you in court." the cop starts to say as they leave the room. I follow close behind but am stopped by one of the male officers.

" If you want to see her or discuss terms she will be held at Station 266 until she is done with questioning and processed out for further interrogation."

I stare slack jawed and worried. I nod my head and head back to my office.

I gather my things and sign out. I didn't know Rose' last name was Castellanos. Then again I don't know much about her past at all.

Who is she really?

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