Chapter 19 - Stolen Strength

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I lost all sense of time passing, after my dose of Allegiance.

Unaware if it was night or day, I passed the hours recovering from my last bout of pain.

It wasn't Drake's fault. He was good enough to keep trying with me. It was me that was resistant, and I couldn't explain why.

I felt like I was going crazy. My mind was at war with itself. Struggling against what I knew to be right, to long for something I could not recall.

In my moments of clarity, between his punishing outbursts, I found myself hooked up to tubes that harvested my blood.

Drake said they would keep it to every few days, so that I would have time for my body to recover.

But it felt incessant.

Ever happy to please, I would smile through the pain as another needle was harpooned into my bruised flesh.

Drake would always stroke my hair when I produced a full bag. I was so lucky to be attended to so by the Alpha.

I knew I was getting weaker.

Even going to the toilet was becoming a chore. All I wanted to do was sleep.

Waking from a nap to my shoulder being shaken roughly, I struggled to open my tried eyes.

Drake stood with yet another nurse, tubes in hand ready to harvest my blood.

I pulled a smile on to my face as I gazed at the handsome man above me, but only got a grunt in response.

He looked away from me, with a shadow of disgust on his face. Angry eyes piercing the young nurse.

"Can't you do something to fix her, so she can give more?" he snapped at the nervous woman beside him.

The nurse opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Luke, the Pack member who was most often by Drake's side.

He was the only other Pack member I had seen, during my time in the room.

I had heard Drake address him as Luke, although we had never actually spoken. He barely even looked at me when he had to visit the Alpha.

"Sir. We have a problem." The seriousness in his voice pulled an irritated growl from Drake, but he sighed and followed Luke out of the room.

The nurse began preparing my arm, a process I was so used to, I probably could have done it myself.

She had just finished hooking me up, when we heard the first shouts.

The usual sick, dizziness that accompanied the sessions these days, hung over me heavily. I tried to raise my head to see what was going on, but it felt too heavy.

Growls and snarls could now be heard, and I strained to hear the sound of Drake's voice.

The nurse rushed from the room, leaving me to my worry alone.

A heaviness was coming over my eyelids and I fought it, desperate to know what was going on.

I slipped in and out of darkness, my tired body unable to stay awake even to placate my own curiosity.

In a lucid moment, I realised the noises had stopped.

I blearily peered at the doorway; its light suddenly extinguished by a large shape.

A ferocious growl shook the room, but I was too tired to be afraid.

I blinked, trying to clear my vision.

Golden eyes met mine though the blur, their colour melting into darkness like the setting sun. In their place, a pair of midnight eyes held mine.

My heart stuttered inexplicably in my chest, and I heard a soul tearing sob.

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