Chapter 30 - Brain Fog

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The soft tap of blood hitting concrete, filled the small space.

We stood staring down at the mangled remains of what had been a man.

Julian had lost control after Luke's last taunt and ripped his throat out.

The spray littered the room, soaking everything in its path.

Including people.

Including me.

I felt sick as the sticky liquid rolled off of my chin. Vaguely aware of Hazel grumbling at Julian.

Strong arms scooped me up and carried me out of the cell, we were almost flying we moved so quickly.

I barely registered Jack undressing and showering me.

It was like I was looking at the world through the wrong side of a pair of binoculars. Everything seemed far away and small.

I remember being tenderly towelled dry. Saw the worry in those navy eyes.

I felt like I was coming up for air slowly, each new moment a stroke to the surface from the bottom of a deep pool.

It was only when I lay in the protective curve of Jacks body that I finally felt some of the tension begin to leave my body.

He stroked my hair, planting small kisses on the crown of my head every few moments.

Hazel quietly entered at some point, fully cleansed and carrying a small tray of food and cups of tea.

She placed it gently on the bed, patting my shoulder and nodding to Jack before leaving.

The love that was wrapping me in its embrace seemed to be clearing the fog that had entered my mind.

The strange thing was, I couldn't understand why I felt like this at all.

Don't get me wrong, even a werewolf has feelings... but I had been raised with war and blood soaked into my skin. It was familiar, acceptable even in its severity.

But the fact that it was Luke, had thrown me. The thought of how displeased Drake would be, itched frustratingly at my mind.

I wanted to scratch the idea out of my head.

Sitting, I sighed deeply. Closing my eyes and reminding myself that I would not be overtaken by this.

I felt the now somewhat familiar feeling of my Alpha blood swirling inside me.

My head cleared a little more and I cast a glance at a wary looking Jack. "We should eat. It would be rude to ignore Hazel's kindness."

He nodded, still silent. I saw a muscle jump in his jaw as he tried to hide the worry in his eyes.

I pulled the tray between us and we ate in silence. Both only nibbling disinterestedly at the food.

I had just taken a sip of tea when the door burst open. A pale Holly rushing in, with Kyle grumbling as he trailed after her.

"Hol. You could have at least knocked." Kyle cast shy eyes over us. "Sorry guys."

Jack snorted. "You are lucky we weren't in the middle of something."

I heard the dry implication in his words and couldn't help the shy smirk that crept to my lips.

I elbowed him in the ribs, moving the tray onto the side table. I scooted closer to Jack, before patting the mattress to my other side for Holly.

Needing no further encouragement, she threw herself beside me, engulfing me in a hug and immediately dissolving into tears.

I looked over her head to a very uncomfortable looking Kyle.

He shifted from foot to foot awkwardly, before beginning to slowly edge towards the door.

Jack grinned. "Don't be shy man!" he called, patting the mattress beside him in a mockery of my earlier action.

Kyle turned white. Then red. Then back white.

He stammered a few times, finally declining and shooting from the room.

Laughing, I felt myself finally fully relax. My brain belonging to only me again.

Poor Kyle. I shot a half-annoyed, half-amused glare at Jack, but couldn't hold it under the staggeringly sexy smirk that lit his face.

Holly pulled away from me enough to wipe her nose noisily on her sleeve.

"Eew! Gross Hol!" I snorted, fairly shocked that the usually dignified woman was snotting on herself beside me. "What's up with you anyway?"

She sent me a sheepish smile, dabbing her eyes with her clean sleeve. "Kyle told me how you reacted when you saw that man." Her eyes shone again with unshed tears. "I hate to think of what you've been through. It breaks my heart."

I pointedly ignored the squeezing sensation in my chest and cocked an eyebrow at my friend. "I always bounce back. Don't worry about me, silly!"

I wrapped my arm around her again, pulling her into my side for a squeeze. "You won't get rid of me easily! Remember... I've got Alpha blood..."

Her tears seemed to dry instantly as she sprang to a sitting position. "Oh yeah! How could you forget to mention that one by the way?!"

She pursed her lips, but I could see the humour lighting up her eyes.

Jack leaned over me, twisting his lips in an imitated pout. "She didn't tell me either."

Rolling my eyes, I elbowed them both simultaneously. "Ha, ha. Very funny guys. You both know I had no idea."

"Weird though..." Holly mused, looking at Jack. "She always has been bossy."

He grinned, nodding fervently. "Yep. Should have known really."

Groaning I flopped back against the pillows, throwing an arm over my eyes. "Ganging up on me after my amazing night? Some friends you are."

"Well..." Jack mused, and I felt him hovering over my face. "I have never been just your friend"

Holly began to cackle loudly, almost falling from the bed in her hysterics.

I chuckled lightly as I pulled her back upright. "It wasn't that funny Hol."

Jack flopped back down beside us, an easy smile on his lips. "I'll leave you girls to it, anyway. I'll be back in an hour or so."

Eyeing him suspiciously, I pulled a pillow onto my lap, fiddling with it to still the sudden anxiety that exploded through me. "Going to see Julian?"

I hadn't really needed to ask. I knew the answer.

His smile dipped slightly before recovering. "I won't be long. Have fun."

He pecked me on top of my head and headed to the door, sending a last half-hearted wave as he closed it behind him.

Holly bounced cheerfully beside me as soon as the door closed. "I feel like I haven't seen you in so long!" She ran her eyes over me as if checking for changes. "Are you sure you're ok? Kyle said..."

I threw the pillow at her to cut her off, grinning as her disgruntled face popped back up. Her flaming red hair was standing on end with frizz and she huffed. "Hey! I was just trying to say I'm worried about y..."

Again, I threw another pillow. This time though, she caught it.

Emerging with a grin, she put her hands up in defeat. "Alright little miss 'closed off from the world'. She smirked as she grabbed a sandwich that was sitting forgotten on the tray. "If you won't talk about that... Then have the decency to at lest fill me in on that gorgeous hunk of muscle that just walked out of here."

She fanned her face with a giggle. "So, I believe we last left it at... torpedo...".

Her wicked grin had me laughing so hard tears fell down my face.

I gulped air as I calmed slightly, finally managing to snicker, "well... Let's just say that he is more than able to handle such a powerful weapon..."

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