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You walked home, almost traumatised by what you saw and heard.

He cares about me... but why?

You kept on walking until you arrived home. Your mother was busy preparing dinner, so you went upstairs. You hated your mother as much as your father. Your father was evil to anyone other than you, but your mother was the opposite. Your father left, cheated, stalked and is now in jail. No one knows your mother abuses you, she calls it 'discipline' and you don't really mind because it doesn't happen often, it's only if you do something wrong or get on her nerves. The thought of telling someone never crosses your mind and if it does, you can't help but imagine what it would be like if she went.

I'd probably go to some horrible strangers family, I probably won't be able to have my own life. I'd be that child who isn't part of the family, just someone they took in, no... anything but that.

You walked upstairs, and sat on your bed. You listened to music and read some manga before being called downstairs to eat.


You ate some rice with chicken and had water before heading towards your room.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

You turned around to see your mother looking at you.

"My room?"

"Wash the dishes first," she ordered.

"Please can't you do it, I'm really tired."

"I don't want to have to repeat myself." She glared a menacing glare like she would skin you alive if you didn't do them.

"..." You went and did the dishes before walking upstairs, and this time, arriving in your room.

I can't wait to just die..


The next day..

You got ready for school and the only thing on your mind was Kuroo.

People are probably gossiping about us, talking shit about us, it's all my fault. He... why did he? Why did I? What if he has a girlfriend? Oh shit... he probably does. I mean who wouldn't being so cu— what the hell am I saying? He's not cute he's just, meh? I don't know I got to get to school, I'm gonna be late!

You ran down the stairs as quick as possible, almost tripping, "Im leaving!" You ran to school as fast as you could. You made it a few minutes late but walked in anyways. Kenma looked at you and glared back down at his phone which he clearly wasn't allowed to play on but did so. You sat down and carried on the lesson like normal.

After the lesson, the teacher left and a group of girls started walking up to your desk.
"Hey there!" One of them said. You had a feeling, no, you knew it was about Kuroo.
"H-Hi." You stuttered.
"You know I heard about something. Kuroo and.. you.. hugged?" She looked at you in complete disgust, "I just want to confirm the rumours so, go on, speak up."
what do I do? what do I say? What if I tell them that he was only comforting me, but then they'd think it's an excuse, and that I'm lying.
"I-I- was upset." Was all you could say.
"Oh okay then, it better not be anything else." She threatened, "you know the girl sitting there." She pointed towards a girl with brown hair and blue eyes sitting where they were all sat, "she's.." she whispered, "His girlfriend."

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now