Let's find Y/N

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Your body froze for a few seconds, which was clearly noticed by the boys, hence their concerned gaze.

"Oh." Was the only thing you could make out at that moment, you then realised what you'd asked him, "oh my god I'm so sorry I put you in such an uncomfortable position!" You bowed awkwardly.

"It's alright." He forgave, "I mean it's the truth, I love her, there's nothing to be ashamed of.. I guess."

"So you guys are basically in an argument." You looked at Kuroo who had his glued to the ground.

"Yeah." He silently said, like a little child being told off.

"Well, do you guys know where Historia and Ymir are? Who are they by the way? if you don't mind me asking."

"They're new friends, of us.. and y/n." Kenma trailed off, "oh, and they were behind me, I didn't want to be late, but they didn't seem to care, looks like I was early anyways."

"Oki then, let's go see if they've arrived!" You three decided to go back a little and wait. Two minutes later, Historia and Ymir waltzed into view, hand in hand, skipping along whilst chatting.

"Oh, Hi Ken—," Ymir stopped when making eye contact with Kuroo, which caused his eyes to widen a little.

"Hai!" You shouted, still standing behind Kuroo.

"Y/N?!" Historia quietly mumbled, unheard to everyone else. Disappointment poured on her face when she saw a face she didn't recognise.

"Hi! My name is Yumeko Jabami!" You grinned, to which she smiled.

"Oh hi, I'm Historia Reiss, and this is Ymir."

"Hi." Ymir spoke unsure of what to feel, "are you new or something because I don't remember seeing you anywhere."

"Oh umm I don't go to school." You nervously uttered.

"Oh alright." She didn't seem too bothered.

"Anyways, there seems to be a problem on our hands." You said sternly, "Y/N is missing and you guys are in an argument."

"Wait, how do you know Y/N?" Ymir asked.

"I've seen her, time to time. I mean I ran away as well, so whenever I'd walk around, I'd sometimes see her. Sh—,"

"Wait! Why didn't you tell me you knew her?!" Kuroo's widened eyes looked at me.

"I.. don't really know, you were dealing with loosing her, and if I told you I knew her, what difference would it make?" I asked.

"I guess that's.. true.." He responded.

"I felt it's best to tell you now, because we're all together in one place."

"Do you know where she is?" Kenma questioned.

"Unfortunately, no.. she didn't mention anything about where she was going, although I did ask her, she only said "you don't have to worry Yumeko, I'll be fine." If I knew she would've caused this much pain, I would've stopped her." You sniffed, whilst bowing, "I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, maybe u have something to say to the polic—," Ymir suggested.

"No." You cut in.

"Huh?" Ymir vocalised.

"The police aren't going to do shit. At the end of the day they're all hogs who want to get payed, nothing more, nothing less."

"Bu—," Historia attempted to speak.

"But what if they send me back to my parents?!"

"That's a good point, I don't want to risk that." Historia's kind heart shone brighter than ever.

"If it won't hurt too much, uh, why did you run away?" Kenma's voice added.

"Bullying, abuse, ya know.. the usual." You smiled painfully, "And so did Y/N, that's why I became so close to Y/N, of course I never shared my problems, and whenever she'd ask, I'd change the subject.. wish I told her, but I'll be able to! When we find her!"


"Buuut! If you want any chance of finding Y/N, you're going to have to work together."

Everyone nodded, quite slowly, except from Ymir, "Ymir.."

"I'm not going to work with an idiot like Kuroo after he shouted at my Historia like that!" She defended.

"Kuroo." You looked at Kuroo who noticeably regretted his actions.

"I—," He paused, "I-I'm sorry." The blanket of tension was lifted, as you sent a warm gaze in Kuroo's direction, "I was really angry, but that's no excuse. Shouting at you both wouldn't do anything, I shouldn't have done that."

Ymir looked at Historia who gave a sweet nod, "alright then."

"How about after school, we all discuss this further, 'kay?" Your mind became aware of the time.

"Yeah, but at who's?" Kenma questioned.

"Mine." Kuroo offered.

"Is that alright with you all?" They all watched you as you clarified.


"Okay then, Let's find Y/N!"

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now