I'm happy I've met you

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We walked into Historia's beautifully decorated room. She had plushies and cute fairy lights everywhere. It was like a kawaii rainbow.

"This is a nice room." I said whilst taking in the beauty, as she plopped onto her bed.

"Thanks." She grinned whilst Ymir sat next to her, "what do you all want to do."

"Romantic movie night!" Ymir screamed.

"Hey, Ymir! Y/N's here." She scolded Ymir jokingly, and Ymir pouted angrily.

"..." I watched their happy faces, trying to search through my own emotions and figure out why I wasn't like them, "wanna play a game."

"Uno?" Ymir asked, "I love Uno. When you the next player receives 4 cards cos of you is so funny." She laughed a little.

"Sure then." I nodded. We played 3 rounds of Uno. Ymir won the first, Me the second and Ymir won the third. By the time we finished it was around 6:30pm.

"Good game." I congratulated Ymir.

"Oh that's unlucky, I didn't win any." Historia spoke, embarrassed a little.

"It's okay, Historia. You'll win eventually," Ymir soothed.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"..But you'll never beat me!" Ymir teased.

"Hm, what should we do now?" I asked.

"Romantic movie night!" Ymir repeated.

"Hey! Did you not hear me the first time?!" Historia angrily flicked her forehead, as I giggled at the perfect couple.

"You both are so cute together," I blurted out.

"Even Y/N understands my undying love for you Historia." Ymir muttered.

"..." Historia took a moment to think, "fiine! We'll have a movie night!" She pouted as Ymir threw her fist into the air.

"Yes!" She whispered.

My mouth let out a little giggle as Ymir ran downstairs, with me and Historia following, and put on A silent voice. Historia sat in the middle, Ymir on Historia's left, and me on the right.

After the movie, I wiped my tears as Ymir dug her face into the massive blanket that we all shared.

"T-They're so cute together!" Historia wailed whilst throwing her face into Ymir's hair.

"Aww, c-c'mon!" I stuttered a little before wiping my eyes again.

"Let's go heal with some ice cream!" Historia jumped up and ran to the fridge and grabbed some chocolate ice cream for Ymir, "Y/N, what flavour do you want? There's vanilla, strawberry or chocolate."

"(Chosen flavour)" I answered. She gave me my ice cream that sent a burst of flavours running through my mouth.

"What should we do now?" Ymir sadly spoke, muffled by the blanket she had in front of her face.

"Memes?" I mumbled quietly.

"Yes, good idea!" Historia jumped up, "I love meeeeeemes!" She happily told.

We spent the rest of the time looking through memes, ending with Historia falling asleep on Ymir who was wide awake.

"Y/N, you still there?" She whispered in attempt to not wake up Historia.

"Yeah, wanna take Historia to her bed or should I?" I asked.

"Don't go thinking Historia's yours!" She quietly joked, "I'll do it."


Ymir gentle scooped the angelic figure, who could be seen by the dim TV light, and escorted her to her room in a bridal style. I followed along, opening the doors for Ymir. I opened the the last door, that lead to Historia's room and shut it behind them, allowing Ymir to tuck in Historia.

My eyes were caught by a balcony which I went onto, allowing the moonlight to fall onto my skin. The air felt different... it felt better than usual. I took a deep breath as I processed everything that had happened today.

This feels so weird, in a good way. I've never felt like this, it's quite weird— I mean they're lovely but I feel bad, like I'm in between them or something, but I appreciate everything, they're so kind and caring and funny. I love the contrast between them, and how they are to each other.. and me, it's just so heart-warming.

Ymir exited Historia's room and joined me, on the balcony.

"Hey, Y/N." She grimly said, "Am I.. ugly?"

My head turned to face hers, as she was still gazing at the stars, "What?! Why would you ever say that?! Of course your not!"

"See I found this place in Kyoto which does it, and you don't need any sort of consent or forms," She carried on, then showed me the place on her phone, "it's at BBB street— and yes, I know it's risky, but people.. they, keep calling me ugl—,"

"Ymir, Do you care about Historia?"


"Do you care about her happiness?"

"Yes.. I do." Her nervousness began to show.

"Do you think Historia will be happy or want to see you change your perfect face because of some 'other' people, who mean NOTHING to you, compared to Historia?"


"So should you get the surgery?"


"See? Historia loves you the way you are Ymir! Never let anyone change that, and don't risk your beautiful face for some stupid people who don't deserve you, who don't need you as much as Historia does."

"...I'm sorry, I should have thought logically about that, thanks Y/N." She apologised, "you know, at first Historia suggested being friends with you, you know, to try make you feel better, fight those bullies with you, help you.. I guess, but looks like you were the one to help me." She laughed a little, "I didn't know what type of person you'd be, if it really was worth being bullied by the whole school for a girl we didn't know, but I'm happy we became friends, I'm happy I've met you, Y/N."

My eyes almost tears up as a wide smile formed onto my face, "thank you, Ymir. I'm very, very happy that I met you and Historia."

Author note: Omg I'm so sorry I hadn't posted a new chapter in foreverrrrr! My iPad kinda broke— the screen had a crack and it's gone to the insurance company so yeah. I was questioning using another device for it, and was like, "I MUST WRITE A CHAPTER!" So umm yeah—

Thank you all so much, I literally just realised this has like over 1.5K reads and I was like 🤯😱❤️ But omg the support is just too nice I like can't— thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see y'all next time!

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