I missed you

154 8 18

"Hm.." You stood outside the vacant school building after a few hours of long driving, "Well, luckily it's the school holidays, I can spend as much time in here as I want, but I have.. work to do."

Your shoes tapped on the wooden floor underneath you, how long was it since the last time you entered the building? Both dark and blissful memories filled the premises.

You felt some regret, maybe you shouldn't have worried so much and enjoyed the last few moments you had with Kuroo, Kenma, Ymir and Historia.. but they're gone now. How desperately you wished to go back, it made your head hurt.

You decided to walk into the bathroom, with colourless walls, Honestly, how did you even manage to live in such an environment? and start cleansing.

The blade that was being carried in your hand, was rested into the stone sink, as you turned on the tap. Water rushed out, purifying the blade for your next victim, and only you knew exactly who.

After that, you grabbed the clothes, and washed away any remaining blood from your skin. Securely, tucking the knife between your jeans and skin. Then you started your jog to Kuroo's house.


"Where is she?" Kuroo said with agitation.

"Look! The car!" Historia's eyes widened, gleefully.

"Yup." Ymir grinned at Historia.

"But it's next to.. Nekoma. Why?" Kenma thought.

"Hm.. let's park, then we'll go in." Historia suggested, as Ymir swerved behind the taxi.

Ymir sighed, "Okay, let's go inside."

"Hey, I'll put my phone in the car." Historia kindly offered.

"Umm, if you're sure, but someone should stay with the cars." Kuroo advised, "Incase Y/N comes back."

"I'll do it." Kenma responded.

"Alright then." Ymir added, "Let's search this place, top to bottom!"


"Yumeko?" Kuroo's mother opened the door, confused, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Hello. I actually came here with a question."

"What is it? Did you guys find Y/N?" She asked.

"Yes, we did." You smiled.

"Oh! What a relief! Where's Tetsuro? I'll text him—," Her warm smile made you so upset. She trusted you so much, you didn't deserve to look at her.

"Before you text him, I actually have something to ask." You cut in, agitated.

"Oh of course! What is it?"

"Do you know where Sakura lives?" You nervously asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Well, I need to talk to her, ask her some questions about why she treated Kuroo the way she did and stuff." You answered.

"Oh alright, just wondering why didn't you ask Kuroo?" She asked, nosily.

"I didn't want him.. to remember anything he doesn't want to think of, he's more fixated on Y/N so why should I mention Sakura to him?"

"Oh!" She replied, "So you came from Kyoto, all that long way just because you didn't want Tetsuro to feel bad?" She asked with a merry tone.

"Yep." Your mouth curved into a grin.

"Aww, your so lovely Yumeko!" She beamed with delight, as to see you care so deeply for Kuroo, "Thank you so much! Oh and she lives at.. KKK Road."

"Thank you so much!" You bowed politely, "Alright then, bye!"

"Bye, bye!" She pratled, and when she pulled her phone out to text Kuroo, you immediately began running. Of course she brushed it off, as you being in a rush.


"Hm?" Kuroo questioned the vibration in his pocket, "Oh it's just my—,"

His eyes widened when reading the text.

Hi Tetsuro! Y/N just
stopped by!

"Hey guys!" He shouted, "Y/N.."

"What?" Ymir asked, from another room.

"She went to my house."

"And how do you know?" Ymir inquired, with a raised eyebrow.

"My mother just texted me..."

"Wait what?" Historia gasped, rushing over to Kuroo, whilst Ymir followed.



..no? Why?

That's good, it's
nothing. What did
she say?

Oh, she asked..
are you sure you
want to know?

Yes! Just say it.

She asked where
Sakura lived.

Thank you.

No problem..?


"Kenma?" Your eyes widened when you accidentally ran too fast, unable to stop yourself from getting into Kenma's field of view.

"Y/N?!" His eyes widened too.

"Please, let me pass." You asked, grimly.


As no answers were being exchanged, you walked forward, only to be stopped by Kenma's arms, as he pulled you into a hug.

"Y/N.. what did you do to your face?" He cried, "I missed you."

"I.." Thankfully it was Kenma and not Kuroo, otherwise the situation would've been a lot different. Kenma was a lot more fragile and weaker than Kuroo. Kuroo's force would've probably gotten you to stay with them, wether you wanted it or not.

"I missed you too, Kenma." You smiled, hugging him back, "Forgive me, Kenma."

"KUROO!" He shouted, causing you to flinch.

"No!" You struggled in his grasp, quickly getting out, as Kuroo caught his eyes on you, from one of glass windows.

"Sorry!" Was the last thing said, as you jumped into the car and headed off.


"Sakura chan~" You sung outside her house with an evil grin covering your mouth, playing with the knife in your hand. Your eyes widened psychotically. This was the moment you dreamed for, her dead corpse laying emotionlessly on the floor of her own house is all you wanted, "Let's play!"

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora