Let's play

150 7 11

"Let's play!"


"Hm? What is it Kuroo?" Sakura asked.

"Listen, you need t—,"

"Oh wait, there's someone at the door." She hung up the phone.

"N— FUCK!" He slammed the phone onto the floor, not breaking it.

"Let's go." Historia placed her hand on Kuroo's shoulder.

"Yeah, let's hurry!" He jumped up, grabbing the phone as the three ran out.


"Hm? Who are you?"

"Hello, Sakura-chan!" You greeted, "It's me!"


Your eyelids covered half of your eye as a wicked smile was glued onto your face, "I'm Y/N."

Here eyes stuck widened, as you pushed her to the floor, with your knife assisting you, "as I am such a lovely person, I'll let you decide what your last words will be." You chuckled, whilst watching her trembling body, "But first, where does Gabi live?"

"I'll never tell you!" She defended nevertheless.

"How about.. I'll let you go, if you tell me." You offered, "I mean, you didn't do anything anyways. It would be such a waste, for a face as pretty as yours, to be ripped. Apart."

"I've watched enough movies to know you're lieing, how can I trust you?" She  asked.

"Well, you can't. Of course, you have to trust my words, I mean, Gabi did all the bullying, not you! How about I swear on my life? Well I swear on my life, I won't kill you, so can you help me, and yourself, by telling me where she is?"

"..Okay, fine, just don't tell her." She mumbled the address.

"Thank you so much! Just wondering, what would your last words have been?"

"Hmm.. Kuroo's a fucking asshole." She attempted to trigger you, which she very much succeeded in.

"Wow..." You smirked before digging the knife into her head, giving her what looked like a unicorn horn, which amused you a lot. Blood spilled out of the line, that you penetrated into her small skull. It was sad. Really sad. But you loved it. Then, your knife began making its way to her stomach as you began slashing her insides. Her noodly intestines pouring out, and getting tangled between each other. Never had you seen that much blood in your life. It felt.. satisfying.

"Only Gabi left.." You sighed to yourself, "Don't worry Sakura-chan, I swore on my life, so that means my life must be taken away." A grin covered your face. As you glared into her desolated pair of eyes, giving her a head pat, with a childish grin.

"You know.. I've always loved your tiny teeth.."


Kuroo groaned, when breaking down the door, that laid as well as Sakura's dead body. To be honest, he wasn't even that surprised anymore, of course you killed her, I mean you're you.

"Fuck." He spat, whilst Ymir shielded Historia's eyes, "She might still be here." He stated, as the rest scattered to search for you.

He looked around for a while, until a small shriek from Historia caught his attention. It came from the well-furnished kitchen.

"Sh—," Historia gagged, whilst pointing her finger at a specific saucepan on the stove.

Kuroo moved closer, cautiously, although what his eyes witnessed was horrific.

Noodles. Made by you. It consisted of Sakura's Blood stained teeth and blood. You'd also grabbed her rosy brains as.. mince? And what seemed like her intestines, mixed in like noodles.

"Ew," Ymir took one look at the obnoxious meal, hence her eyes instantly closing. Kuroo on the other hand, moved his hands to a piece of paper, it was a letter. The white, thin paper was then opened, as Kuroo began reading.



All of you, just please stop. I mean Sherlock, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm a criminal. Just hate me. Hate me with all of your life and let me die peacefully. Please stop chasing me, it's getting really annoying.

But what I wanted to let you know, is you shouldn't feel any sorrow for that Sakura-bitch over there. She, out of disrespect and her own will, made her last words "Kuroo's a fucking asshole."


He chuckled a little, dismal and contented.

But yeah, please stop, Kuroo.


Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now