would she come back?

335 15 3

You walked along the cobbled path, with your heart pumping hastily as you tried not to panic. As well as attempting to process what was going on around you, in your mind, some sort of plan was trying to be made out: I'm about to meet Kuroo's parents, for the first time, ever. The people that would've possibly become my parents-in-la— no! Not that far! Oh my god don't get carried away Y/N! What if they don't want me? Or they're kind to me? I don't know.. I guess I'll just follow Kuroo's lead.

Finally arriving at Kuroo's house, your eyes met Kuroo's parents as they watched befuddled, for they didn't understand why you were there, or who you were. It felt familiar considering you had been there before. Kuroo watched you, as a warm smile slowly formed on your face. Everyone stood, as a 3 second awkward silence, that seemed to last for eternity passed, until Kuroo decided to make the first move.

"Mum, dad, this is.." He stopped, realising he didn't know your name, "um—,"

"Yumeko, Yumeko Jabami." You calmly thought of her name.

"Yeah.. Yumeko," he replied.

"Nice to meet you," a kind-hearted lady with black hair replied, "I'm Tetsuro's mother, and that's his father."

"Nice to meet you too!" You grinned and bowed a little.

"Okay.. um.. we have an assignment to finish so if you don't mind us going upstairs." Kuroo spoke.

"Alright, but don't do anything weird!" Kuroo's mother warned jokingly, in which he became angered. It was only visible to you, hence your concerned face.

"She's not my lover!" The monster in him snapped, and ran upstairs, slamming the door.

"Tetsuro.." Kuroo's mother trailed off, then focused on your shocked body, which she almost forgot about, "You must be confused, unless you've heard. He's been like that ever since he lost his friend. We're worried about him.. I don't want him to loose himsel—,"

"Don't worry, I'll support him." Your hand rested on her shoulder, in which she smiled, "I won't let him loose himself, in fact, I'll find his friend." Tears were aching to come spilling from your eyes, yet you desperately held it in.

"They searched our house, the police. It scared him." She scoffed a little, seeing how much you cared for the rooster, "He doesn't want to accept it. They searched our house, because they were friends, but I think they may have been something more. He lost someone important to him, more important than anyone in this world, even us, his own parents, as a mother, I saw it like looking through clear glass. Y/N, they said her name was.. I wonder.. if she saw Tetsuro like this.. would she come back?"

"..." a tear escaped your right eye, "..no."

Her eyes widened when she heard your reply, "w-why?"

"Because, if I was in her place, I wouldn't be able to face Kuroo. Not like this. He'd probably kill me." You chuckled, "No one knows why Y/N left.. maybe she was going through something bad and really needed to escape.. would she really come back to her painful life?"

"...I guess.. not."

"But don't worry! I'll find her, and convince her to come back!" You looked at both parents smiling, as they smiled back, but little did they know, the person their son wanted to see was right there. There was no convincing Y/N, because Y/N was right in front of them.

"Thank you." Kuroo's father saw your hopeful eyes.

"There's no need to thank me, I'm gonna go upstairs now." Your voice vocalised as they both smiled in agreement. You prepared yourself, whilst walking up the stairs, to see an angry rooster, yet were greeted by an upset one. A gasp flew with the wind as your legs rushed over to comfort him.

"Get away from me!" He pushed you off the bed he was sitting on, "Y-Your not Y/N! Where i-is Y/N?"

You stood up and slapped him, in which he snapped out of his anger and sadness, "First of all, DON'T EVER PUSH ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! Secondly, WHAT IS YOU CRYING HERE GOING TO DO?! ARE YOU GOING TO FIND Y/N... by sitting here?! Is Y/N gonna come running through your bedroom door?! Wake up. Kuroo."

He shakily reached his hand to his cheek, which you'd slapped and stuttered, "I w-w-want a h-hug." You felt guilt running through you, "I w-want a h-hug, Y/N. I-I'm s-sorry Y/N. I w-was— w-went and left y-you all alone.. if o-only I s-stayed with you that n-night, maybe if I s-stayed right o-outside your h-house."

You grabbed his weak stuttering body and carefully wrapped your arms around his body, thinking hard, trying to make out what you should say in a situation like this. Your body begged to cry with him, but needed to stay strong. For your sake, for Kuroo's sake.

Guilt. The only thing you didn't want, but was casting over you like a gloomy shadow. How much pain were you causing Kuroo? He clearly wasn't doing alright and it was all your fault.. was it? Would it be better just to tell him here and now? But.. how could you? After all the money spent on your surgery just so you won't be recognised.. you can't just let the cover blow because you 'feel' bad.. you don't feel anything, right?

"Y/N is alive, Kuroo. You will find her. If you aren't willing to look for her, then I will, I'll find her. I promise."

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