A) Me and my knife

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"You know, me and this knife have only spent one day together, but I feel like it's been forever." You reminisced in the memories of the dead bodies at your feet and how good you felt, "It's like.. we were meant for each other." You looked at Kuroo with widened yet cold eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I made a promise. To Sakura-chan." You recalled with widened eyes. As fear quivered through your voice.

"What was it?" He asked, concern oozing from his mind.

"I swore on my life I wouldn't kill her, yet I took her life with this." You waved the weapon around for a bit and gave it a gentle kiss.

"Oh." He replied. In all honesty, he couldn't care less, he just wanted you to get out of the situation you were in.

"It's a pity." A frown fell upon your face, "I never got to kill my parents, who caused my lifetime of pain. Hey, can yo— oh wait.. what am I saying? Do not do that, I don't want you to be a criminal too." You laughed.

"That's.. sad." He mumbled,

"Yup. Well, I guess this is it Kuroo." You closed your eyes whilst smiling, "This world wasn't meant for us, Tetsuro. I'll see you in another life."

"N—," Kuroo's eyes broke at the sight in front of him, as you fell to the floor. Blood gushing out from your neck, as it did with that Taxi driver. Of course, you weren't as filthy as him, but it made no sense to Kuroo.

He began running to your body with tears. His vision was completely blurred as he fell to his knees and began cradling your cold body. The clothes he was wearing, covered in the blood of his lover. The sky stopped in grey. Was it betrayal?

"Y-Y/N, wake up!" He cried, shaking you, as his hands vibrated, "Please!"

He didn't understand; Why'd you have to die? Why couldn't he save you?

There's no way, right? He thought, as he recalled the words Ymir told him.

"Sometimes, you have to face the harsh reality Kuroo, those times.."


"may be the last time you see her."

"Y/N.. THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" He shouted whilst slapping your face gently. Your body was still, no response, no movement, it was just him.. all alone.

"H-HEY!" He persisted, but nothing changed.

"Hey Kuroo.." He listened to Ymir's voice, although she wasn't visible, "I don't think Y/N.."

"Don't say it.." He mumbled to himself as his finger twitched, "Y/N! PLEASE!" He watched his tear fall and caress your icy skin.

The voice in his head perfectly copied Ymir's, "I-I.. don't think she's coming back.."

"Please Y/N... wake up!" He cried one last time as he stopped shaking you, but that didn't stop his hands from trembling, "Y-You didn't even have your first kiss! I wanted.. I WANTED TO KISS YOU! S-So please wake up! Just once! IF YOU WAKE UP THEN.. I CAN GET YOUR PERMISSION TO KISS YOU ONE LAST TIME! SO PL.. please."

"I know." He recalled his own words.


He sobbed loudly whilst trying to process everything going around him.

WHO'S FAULT IS IT? Wait.. is it mine? It is.. isn't it.? No... it's her mothers, right? But if we never asked her to run away... nothing would've happened. We could've been together. She is— was.. so precious, she didn't deserve any of this.. but... I BOUGHT HER HERE IN THIS POSITION, THIS STATE, AND I COULDN'T SAVE HER!

..Is that really how pathetic I am?

His eyes met the knife that loosely hung in your palm. His mouth slightly smiling.

Yeah it is.


"Hey, wait!" Ymir panted, "God, these stairs are long as fuck."

Kenma on the other hand ignored her comment, "It says they're in this building and I'm guessing at the top."

"I hope nothing bad happened." Historia worried, also tired, "wait why don't we use the lift now, I don't think we can run up any longer."

"Alright." Kenma added.

When reaching the top of the building, he swung the door open, expecting two people to be standing at their feet, but when seeing the sight near the edge of the building, his small eyes widened in their sockets.

"Thank god we mad— HEY WHE—,"Ymir peaked over his shoulder, but not soon after, he began sprinting towards the dead lovers, when seeing the sorrowful sight, she turned around, staring into Historia's befuddled eyes.

"They're..." Ymir began crying, which was enough to make Historia freeze in place and begin tearing up.

"No.." Historia barely made out, in return Ymir hugged her tightly, "Go."

"W-What?" She stuttered in response.

"Kenma.. imagine how much more upset he is, go, I'll be fine." She cried with a smile on her face that quickly broke.

"If you're sure." She began running towards Kenma who was shaking Kuroo's body.

"Y/N! What happened?! Hey, wake up! I know it's late but you gotta stay awake." He helplessly requested, not paying attention to the pool of blood next to his best friends neck, "W-What happened to Kuroo?"

"Hey.. Kenma." Ymir lightly tapped on the small boys shoulder, and when being able to see him, his face was smeared with tears.

"H-Hey, Ymir. What happened to them?" He asked, almost chuckling in disbelief.


Should I tell him? He has to face it though.

"They're.. dead." Unknowingly, she also began dropping tears.

"No they aren't." Kenma stated, "I mean, Kuroo's just asleep, right? When he wakes up, he'll tell us what happened."

"No.. no Kenma, they're gone."

"But, they love each other. They still have to marry each other a-and you have to marry Historia a-and you both have to attend each other's weddings." He imagined, "They'll have kids and I-I'll be an uncle! I'll be a good one too! I'll let them play video games with me, as long as the kids don't break them. We can teach them volleyball, and me and Kuroo can show them how to play, whilst they look at us with dreamy eyes thinking how cool we are."


"They have so much to do! They have a great life to begin. So why are they both asleep like this? I mean it sure isn't funny, is it?" He asked, watching the corpses.

"No.." Ymir responded with an overwhelming amount of tears.

"Hey, do you think they're going to do it.. all in another life?"

"What?" Ymir questioned.

"They're gonna have kids in another life.. get married in another life.. without us?" He explained, "Can I go with them too?" He began reaching for the knife but Ymir quickly snatched it out of his reach.

"NO!" She threw the knife behind her and away from the both of them, "YOU CAN'T LEAVE! NOT YET! WHO WILL WE HAVE THEN?! Stay! For us.."


"NO BUTS! I'M NOT LETTING YOU DIE!" She promised, "Please.. don't do it."

Unlike you and Kuroo, Kenma was a lot quicker when it came to giving up, "Oh.. alright."

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now