I cant hate the one I love

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"Kuroo.." The tense atmosphere was enough to make your stomach flip, "Why are you still here?"


"Did you not understand anything I said?"

"..I'm having a hard time processing it."

"Oh, alright." You nervously smiled, "Do you.. want to go ba—,"

"No." He bluntly spoke, "Whatever happens I'm not letting you die here."


"Y/N, it'll haunt me.. knowing that I could've saved you but chose to walk away." His eyes looked painfully at your figure, "Hey.. are you serious about it?"

"About hating you?" His reply consisted of a slow nod and a few drops of tears, "Yeah.." Your voice went almost soft as your head started feeling woozy, with your limbs becoming weaker by each passing second.

I don't want to.. Kuroo. Please just leave me. Go, find your soulmate and live happily ever after. I'm clearly not the one... or— no there's no way! But.. if we are, then I'll see you Kuroo.. in another life.

"Y/N, it's quite obvious you're lieing." He chuckled.


"I mean, you sound so upset, why would you feel upset telling me you hated me if you didn't?" He interrogated your widened eyes.

In all honesty, there was nothing much that could be said. His words spoke nothing but the truth.

What? What do I do? Well.. he isn't an idiot. Of course he would've figured it out.

"Y/N please.. just tell me the truth." He pleaded with a smile that seemed twisted but comforting in your eyes, as you battled the raging thoughts in your mind.

Gritting your teeth, you uttered the words he'd waited to hear for so long. The long journey wasn't in vain after all for him.

"I.. I love you, Tetsuro." The constant fear of going back home was accompanied by Kuroo's warm smile. The contrast between the both of them made you sick, "And what?! N-Now when I die! You're gonna cry, and I don't want you to cry, idiot!"

"Moron." He scoffed, whilst walking towards you.

"H-Hey, stop!" You ordered but he didn't stop. It was visible that the bars that had imprisoned your emotions had finally broken.

His arms wrapped around your body, squeezing you tight as he embraced your presence, grateful that it was really you, and not a corpse.

"Don't ever scare me like that." He chuckled with a few tears, although it felt impossible to tell wether they were from fright or glee.

"So you won't even say it back?" You pouted, as his eyes widened realising what you'd said.

"I— Wait that's not what I meant, I do! I-I—," He took a deep inhale before confessing his own feelings, "I love you too, Y/N."

"Bet." You jokingly flicked his forehead.

"Hey, wasn't that the first time you've called me by my first name?"

"Wha— I mean, and?" Your eyebrow slightly raised.

"Nothing, just curious." He smirked, as you slightly giggled.

"Alright well can I—,"

"If you want to kill yourself, I am not allowing it and I'm definitely not letting you go." He sternly clarified.

"Woah, kinky." A chuckle escaped your mouth.


"So do I really have to go back?" You watched his embarrassed face.

"Yeah? Of course you do." He replied.

"And who said you controlled me?"

"No one, I'm not trying to control you." He answered, "And anyways, who said you could kill yourself and leave me all alone."

"..True, I guess."

"Yeah.." His voice trailed off, "Hey, so do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Eh— oh that." Your mind came to the realisation; it wasn't the first time he was asking this, "I mean.. sure."

"Huh? You seem a little doubtful." His head slightly fell.

"Nah, it was a little unexpected."

"Oh— that makes sense." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"I mean if you haven't realised dumbo, I love you." You giggled, "Hmm... I bet you also want to steal my first kiss huh?"

"I mean— maybe?" His face was splattered with a red blush, "C-Can I?"


Kuroo's muffled voice filled your head, although he was in front of you, lips not moving.

"..yeah..." Your head started spinning a little and the calm reality you were in faded away.

Hey! Wake up!

All you could see was pitch black, until you finally opened your eyes.

Wait, it was all...


Author note: Heeey y'all! Dw I am alive. 💀

I haven't been feeling like writing cos a lot had gone on with meh life oop— And also.. I WROTE A 1000 WORD CHAPTER AND IT LITERALLY DISAPPEARED!!! So I lost a lot of motivation 🥲. But I'll start writing a lil more c:

Btw the next chapter is the long awaited ending that y'all have been waiting for. It's 5, if not more chapters long so it's gonna take some time.

But most importantly, I hope from the bottom of my heart that y'all are alright, if not, I hope everything gets better. Remember if you ever need to vent to me, I'm here!!! ❤️

Love you 💕

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