How is that fair?

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Author note: I decided to add a little descriptive writing, hope you like it!

The rain stabbed at your coat like a million needles, as you rubbed your hands together. Kuroo had wanted to take a walk in the rain, which was understandable. You both decided to sit at a dampened bench, your long coat shielding your jeans from getting wet. Each sharp exhale left a pale cloud, that was visible only for a few seconds.

The sound of the rain bought a peaceful tranquility which filled the atmosphere. You watched the sun, that was concealed in the marble-like clouds. Colourless, was the scenery of a small area of short grass, with trees dotted around, and a police station, with the occasional cars coming and going.

Kuroo's leather jacket glistened, catching your eyes. He was dressed with black jeans, a white shirt underneath, and black trainers. You were wearing a minty green sleeveless shirt, which you highly regretted wearing, under your navy blue waterproof coat, with a pair of white trainers and blue jeans.

Both mouths were shut, no eye contact was made.

Are you running from the police?

"Ugh shut up." You scoffed with a smile.


"Oh, I was just thinking about.. someone." You muttered.

"Who?" He asked curiously.

"O-Oh it's just someone I'm in love with." A blush lightened your face, contrasting from the scenery around you.


"H-Hey!" You barked jokingly, as Kuroo smiled, "No.. it's someone else.."

"Me?" His eyes watched yours, with a smug expression.

"No!" You lied, guilt strangling your icy throat.

"Alright then.. judging by your face, there is no way in hell you're going to tell me," He concluded, "So.. what's he like?"

"He's cocky."

"Of course, he's gotta be." He uttered.

"He's tall."

"Mhm." He observed.

"He likes sports."

"Ooh, same!" His eyes shone, attentively, "Do you know if he likes you back? Or are you two.." He smirked, "Dating?"

"He likes me back.. but we aren't dating.."

He unknowingly was making your tears well up, "Oh.. not for even a few days, or mayb—,"

"No." You sniffed, "Not one damn day. I couldn't, he knew everything that happened at home, but I didn't want to get him involved with my issues.. so I left.."

"What.. why?" He said with a slight anger boiling in his heart.

"..I mean why should he get involved in someone else's matter? It's better if he stays out and lives normally, without m—,"



"I'm.. sorry, but.. how.. how is that fair?"

"..I'm a burden." You answered in tears, that splashed along with the rain, "And I don't want to be his burden.. He deserves someone else.."

"B-But.." Kuroo tried to speak, choking on his words.

"You know.. Y/N always called you her hug buddy, said she was yours too." You chuckled in low-spirit, "Y-You remember that.. right?"

"Y-Yeah." He desperately tried to stay strong.

"Good, because as long as you remember her, she won't forget you, said she'd forever remember you, until the day she'd.. die."

"..." A pair of tears fell from Kuroo's golden eyes, "..What's his name?"


"The tall, cocky, sport loving guy you met?" He clarified.

"..I can't say."

"Oh, okay.." He smiled, "Is it just me who finds it peaceful to cry?"

"No.. it's calming.. right?" You smiled a little.

"Yeah.. I don't get why people think your dramatic or weird for letting your emotions out.."


"You wanna cry more?" He asked, "We can reminisce in all the lovely times we've had with our special someone.. only to know, they'll most likely never be in our arms again.."

But I am here!

"I don't mind.."

"Alright, then.. What's been your favourite moment with him?" He asked, bending his back forward a little, looking forward.

"Going to his house.. sleeping in his room, and thankfully he wore clothes.. unlike a certain someone!"

"Wow.. I wonder who?" He chuckled sarcastically.

"Hmm.. not yo— nu-uh, that's impossible." You responded in the same tone.

"Well.. sorry I like sleeping comfortably."

"Well.. sorry I don't enjoy looking at abs before I go to bed.." You pouted.

"Nah, I know you secretly enjoy that, or maybe you don't like having lewd dreams." He teased.


"Hm? So you do? Weird considering I do like Y/N.." He frowned almost seriously.

"I DON'T!" You squealed.

"Right.." He whispered under his breath.

Although he was being incredibly annoying, it was nice to see Kuroo a lot better than before. It was easier for him to stop crying, or not cry at all, although you didn't mind it.

"Well wherever Y/N is, I'll definitely find her." He looked up towards the clouds, his jawline causing a blush to paint your face.

So damn badass!!



"Hey Yumeko." Kuroo shook you awake.

"Hm?" You winced, trying to focus your eyes, "AAH! Oh my god, go wear a shirt at least, you scared me."

"Oh sorry," He rushed into the bathroom and got out wearing a dark green shirt and black jeans, "Ymir and Historia said they're going to meet us at the train station so hurry!"

"How long do we have?!"

"1 hour, they're getting ready themselves so hurry!"

You got up and immediately started getting ready, Wow, so damn soon too, can't believe we're gonna start looking for Y/N.

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now