the real Y/N

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"What?" Historia muttered in doubt.

"We don't have much time! Let's go!" Kenma advise was the last thing said before they all began their running, Kuroo heading off a lot faster, leaving the other three further behind.

You ran hastily, whilst watching the thick clouds above you, begging it wouldn't start raining, but as you said it, the clouds begun their spitting. The heavy pants coming from your mouth were soon muted by the shower above you, but what wasn't muted was Kuroo's failed attempts to get you to stop.

"Yume— Y/N! PLEASE STOP!" His pleading made you want to tear up, but you weren't going to. No way. You have to get away from them. The bag that hung on your back weighing you down, and the icy air around you made you want to jump into Kuroo's warm arms, and hug him so tight. The both of you could live happily ever after, but how pitiful and embarrassing would you look? Pretty shit. You started this mess, and you're going to end it.

Where should I go? Maybe.. take a taxi..? Taxi!

Your eyes peered into a coal black taxi, with an older man, around his 60's sitting in it. You didn't pay any attention to him, swinging the door next to him open and instructing him to drive. The seat that you were sitting on had become soaked due to your wet clothes, which is why you got a very displeased look from him. You peaked outside to see Kuroo looking straight at you, your eyes locked, as he helplessly shouted.

"DON'T GO, Y/N! PLEASE! I'M SORRY!" He breathlessly begged, but all you could do, and did, was role down the window, and wave at him.

"I'M SORRY!! FORGIVE ME! I LOVE YOU, YOU'RE MY ONLY HUG BUDDY AND I'LL SEE YOU IN ANOTHER LIFE!" You screamed at the top of your chilled lungs, too focused on Kuroo's face to notice the driver who was insisting that you put on your seat belt and sit down. Kuroo's tears had merged together with the rain, as he fell to his knees.

"No.." He whispered in the distance, which you couldn't hear. His legs picked himself back up as he began chasing the taxi, "IF YOU DON'T COME BACK, I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU Y/N!! COME BACK PLEASE!"

"NO!" You rejected, as the other three caught up, and could be seen as silhouettes in your view. Kuroo's legs couldn't keep up with the racing car, hence his violent crash, using his arms to slow the collision between his head and the concete floor. Rapidly, Kenma ran to aid Kuroo.

You're attention was soon changed to the man, as he.. groped you.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" You shrieked at the contact made, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!"

"Sit down!" He shouted, in which you did. A small chuckle ran through him, as he carried on driving with pride in using the situation for the benefit of his own sexual desires. You returned the favour with a deranged grin and a scoff. Wow, you could even pity his joy, for it'll surely be the last time he smiles like that again.


"Kuroo? Are you alright?" Kenma asked him, to see that Kuroo's forehead had been painted with a crooked crimson line.

"I'm fine, We need to find a taxi." He replied.

"Don't worry, Ymir and Historia are looking for one." He assured his best friend.

"Well then, we better start looking th-," Kuroo stopped as a sudden pain hit his forehead, "Ah! Fuck!"

"Hey, calm dow-,"

"I'm fine, Kenma, let's go." He wiped the blood off of his forehead and stood up.

"Wait, we need to wait for them." Kenma insisted.

"Why is tha.." Kuroo trailed off to see a pair of headlights beaming in their direction.

"Wuhooo!" Historia bubbled.

"WE'RE GOING ON A RIDE BITCHES!!" Ymir greeted the two boys with a wink and grin on her face.

"Where did you get the ca—," Kenma tried speaking.

"Don't ask!" She winked, "Let's go get Y/N back."


You placed your bag in front of you, with a demented and almost silent cackle.

"Hm?" Was all the driver had to say as he watched your actions cautiously. You ran your fingers over the metal blade in your bag.

"Can we stop over there?" You asked in an innocent and sweet tone, which the driver did. As he was doing so, you held your hand in your bag, gripping it tightly.

The car came to a halt, as the driver gave a large exhale, "Well.." He watched your hand, waiting to be given the money, but his eyes immediately widened when a small ray of light reflected off the blade, blinding him.

"Wai—," He tried to make out, but was immediately cut off by the steel knife that ripped away his vocal cords. Blood gushed out at every second, splattering the seat, and seat belt. His head had slightly fallen forward, as it lost all of its will to stay upright. The knife that you grasped made it's way to his fingers, and slowly sliced off each one, you savoured the moment, careful to not touch his filthy fingers yourself. The once possessed body had become nothing but a cold empty shell, miserable.

It felt disgusting knowing you would have to sit in the seat that was drenched in such sinful blood, but what other choice did you have?

"What a horrible last word.. 'wait'? Well I mean you couldn't finish saying it so I don't think it counts." You giggled, "Hm.. I think that taught you a lesson, my body is only for the person I love, not you, silly!" You smiled at the soulless body, "Oh- I forgot to introduce myself!" You chuckled a little, "Well, we got off on the wrong line buuut! My name is Y/N.. and I'm not a pitiful, stuttering bitch, that was scared out of her fucking mind about law, my life and any other pointless shit. I'm Y/N... the real Y/N."

Author note: Omg, I am so impressed with myself I wrote like 1000 words in a day, and it was a lot more descriptive than I normally write so yea.. but I have three major and very important tests that I'm meant to be revising for 🥲 yet I'm here writing a book because I love you guys!! ❤️

But hope you enjoyed this chapter, honestly the amount of times I've been searching up synonyms is literally.. . But I love you all!!!!!! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii!!! 💕

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