Hug buddy

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I swiftly turned my head to see a Range Rover coated in an ebony black paint with light cream seats, contrasting from each other. The figure sitting inside was no other than him..

"Hey! How are you, Y/N?"

I ignored his comment as I stormed into a speed walk.


I kept walking, not paying attention to the old man in his 40s, driving past me like nothing was happening.

"Why aren't you answering me! I'm your father!" He started laughing, amused that he was pissing me off.

"Fuck you." I grinned at his revolting face, covered in sins, "you aren't my father by the way, actually now that I think of it," I put my index on my chin, "I don't remember ever seeing you. Now, I'm going to go home," I changed my vocal cords into a cold-hearted voice, "so fuck off."

I started skipping along as he took a pause that didn't last very long.

"Y/N, take this." He held out ¥3000, "The court told me to give you some money, and support you."

"You can't support anyone, and you act like I don't know what you're going to do. You're just going to come back in a few more days and say 'give me my ¥3000 back.' I'm not stupid."

After quite some time I saw a little alleyway and waited for a bit, not now, wait, hold on.. NOW.

I ran through the alleyway onto the other side and I knew that he wouldn't be able to catch up to me.

Hah, idiot.

I crept further into the alleyway, onto the other side. The place I had ended up in was incredibly unfamiliar. My phone vibrated and not to my surprise it was my mother


He came after me and I had to run into
an alleyway.

Oh okay, him? where are you now?

Yes him. I don't know, somewhere?

Stop joking around with me Y/N. Send
me your location. Is he still there?

Yes. I wasn't joking. I've literally
never been here.

Okay well I can't pick you up. And
you have no idea where you are.
Well, that's just great.

Wait, I just saw Kuroo!

Huh? Who's that.

A friend of mine. Hey, can I
stay with him?

What? Of course not, you're coming
home. Just ask him where you are,
and how to get home.

Oh my god, please just do me
ONE  favour and let me stay!

Well it is really late. I could
also use a break from you,
but only if he lets you.

He already has a girlfriend
so calm the hell down.

Are you his girlfriend?


You better not be.

A shower of relief and excitement plunged onto my body as a sigh escaped my mouth. I strolled towards Kuroo, looking back every few seconds to see if he'd followed behind me or not, "Hi Kur—." The closer I got to Kuroo, the more I could see his expression; he was crying. "Hey are you okay?" He noticed me, and immediately reached his arms to wipe his tears from his face.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine."

"No you're not." I scoffed at his poorly chosen words, "what happened?"

He didn't answer my question.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Can you not trust your hug buddy?" I attempted to cheer him up, in which I got a slight chuckle from him.

"I can."

"That's good." I smiled, "alrighty then, what seems to be bothering my hug buddy?"

"I broke up with Sakura."

"Huh? Well then why are you crying?" I asked, "WAIT OMG I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE RUDE, I JUST DIDN'T UNDERSTAND IM SO SORR—."

"Nonono, it's fine." He smiled.

"Actually umm, do you live around here?" I asked, in case he possibly came after me, but knowing him he probably wouldn't due to his laziness and weight.

"Yeah, around the corner. I actually just came out for a breather, and well.. I guess I started crying a little." He replied in a joking manner, which I could only reply to with solemn eyes.

"I'm sorry," I apologise as he looked at me quite confused to why I was apologising, "sorry to bring it up so suddenly but I'm kind of in a situation right now, uhh," I nervously put my index fingers together, "can we go to your house?"

"What? Are you running from the police?" He teased.

"Of course not! I'm not a criminal!" I replied.

"Really?!" He joked as I looked into his golden eyes, "okay, you can stay but—."

"I'll answer any questions when we get there," I interrupted, "and I'll be asking you some questions too so you better answer them!"


We started our walk towards Kuroos house, "I'm gonna text my mum to tell her I'm alright, if you don't mind." I said after I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

"Oh no, it's fine." He reassured.

Hi, Kuroo thankfully let me stay
at his place.

Okay, I'll be at the school gates
with your books and you have
your uniform on you, just sleep
in that, don't you dare ask him
for his clothes. I don't even
know why I let you at this point.
But it's too late now, whatever.
Have fun I guess.

Thanks. This is the one good
thing you've done for me so
thanks. I'll text you my

I smiled brightly whilst typing away at my phone and walking with Kuroo. After finishing typing I put my phone back into the pocket of my jeans and decided I'd say something to Kuroo.

"So, are you feeling any better?" I asked.

"Yeah, thanks." He spoke, "I'm happy I stumbled across you, I could really use the company."

"Same here, I'm so happy you let me, and my mum did too, I don't know how, it's a miracle." I added, "so wh—."

Without warning, he put his finger over my mouth, "we'll save the questions til we arrive okay? I mean you said so yourself.." he smirked, "hug buddy."

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now