I love Y/N

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Kuroo's alarm went off, disturbing your figure who was sleeping on the floor, on the other side of the room, to where Kuroo was resting. His alarm only seemed to wake you up, but not him. You begged for the beeping noise to stop, but it didn't. Angrily, you got up and realised it was time for school, well only for Kuroo.

Shit! He's gonna sleep through his alarm!

Two eyeballs casted on the muscular man buried under the sheets not wearing a shirt, for he liked to go to bed shirtless, sleeping peacefully. You desperately didn't want to budge his frowning face, which had clearly been slightly disturbed by the alarm, but knew there was no other option. Switching off the alarm, you decided you'd be the one to wake him up.

"Hey, Kuroo~," You shook him gently, in which he groaned a little. A small giggle ran through your throat, "Good morning, sleepyhead!"

He turned his body, "go to beeed!"

"You'll be late for school!" Your arms hit him like an ocean wave, he blinked twice, and when he finally realised it was time for school, he jumped up.

"Shit. What's the time?!" His eyes read the clock, whilst his mouth sighed, "thanks for that."

"No problem." You smiled gleefully back, "can I walk with you, to school?"

"Sure, why not?" He pushed his torso through his shirt, "I can't believe your here for the night, like how'd my mum even let me?" He chuckled.

"I d-don't know, but I'm incredibly grateful." You thanked him as you reached for some jeans with a coal black shirt; that had a picture of a cactus in the middle of it; and a caption saying 'can't touch this' on it, "but I'm guessing they noticed that I'm not a student from Nekoma."

"It's alright though," he assured you, just before you were about to go to the bathroom, that was in his bedroom, "they trust you, and so do I."

"Thanks, I'm gonna change in the bathroom.. if you don't mind." You let him know.

"Of course not, go ahead."

You went into the bathroom and changed your clothes, then got out to see Kuroo in his uniform, smiling at you.

"Let's go have breakfast." He said happily, in which you simply nodded. You both headed downstairs, in which you poured yourself a bowl of cereal, and he decided to munch on some toast with jam on it.

You both hastily put your shoes on, and headed off towards your old school, Nekoma.

The breeze and sun smiled brightly at your face, as you felt the freedom of being able to go out run through you. You enjoyed this, but deeply regretted seeing Kuroo like this; you didn't want him to be upset. He looked quite nervous, anxiously biting his nails.

As you both got closer and closer, the fear could be seen running around in his eyes. You smiled at him, when his eyes focused onto you. The fear that was there, got flushed down the drain. Your eyes caught a glimpse of a blurry figure standing quite far from him.

"Kenma?" You grinned from relief to see him again. Although you were quite far away from him, he clearly heard it, hence slightly lifting his head. You reached for Kuroo's arm, but instead met his still, grief-stricken face, which didn't dare to make eye contact with you.

"Hey.. let's go to Kenma.." You looked back to the angry cat, with his blonde tips, glare at you, and slowly walk towards you and Kuroo. At once, Kuroo pulled your arm, which caused a tiny shriek, but you broke free of his grip, "What's wrong, Kuroo?"

"Hi." Kenma caught up.

"Oh, hey." You smiled gleefully, still befuddled as to why Kuroo was in such sorrow.

"Quick question, uhh, how do you know my name?" He remarked.

"You play volleyball, I've heard about Nekoma, they have an amazing setter and captain!" Your eyes pointed toward the both of them.

"...yeah." Kuroo uttered a word.

"What's going on? Aren't you guys best friends?" The atmosphere still kept you locked in confusion.

"We had a fight.." Kenma responded.

"..about Y/N." Kuroo added.

"Oh.. what happened?" You asked, feeling quite nosy.

"Kuroo took out his anger on Historia and Ymir by shouting at them." Kenma told you.

"And Kenma.." Kuroo stopped himself, unsure if Kenma would like his confession to be told to you.

"What about Kenma?"

"I.." He felt tense because of your hanging question, "I said something.."

"What'd you say?" You smiled, reassuring the small boy. The sun seamed to shine brighter, almost blinding him, was it some angel? There wasn't anymore tension blocking him, the only thing that stood in front of him was you. Your smile shone through his soul, it reminded him of Y/N.. it reminded him of you.

"I said.. I.. confessed.. I love Y/N."

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now