.. again?

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"Ew." You pushed the corpse out of the car, rolling down the window, "Good night, asshole." after you cheerfully declared, the car accelerated swiftly. A grin was unknowingly stuck on your face. What you hadn't noticed, was the dark blood that had covered a tyre, leaving a trail, that showed which direction you drifted on, but it didn't last long.

Time to go... kill? hmm.. I wonder who?


"Hey.. what is that?" Historia pointed as Kenma covered her innocent eyes.

"Don't tell me Y/N did that.." Ymir gritted her teeth, "Why would she do that?"

"She's gone insane.. literally, she's lost herself." Kuroo answered with sorrow, as he made dreadful eye contact with the body, unknown to Kuroo, was the mans horrible sin.

"She did mention wanting to kill her parents.. but I mean I thought she was joking... about killing people.. wow, she's really gone crazy." Kenma vocalised his opinion, "but she's still Y/N, she's still our friend. She must've had her.. reasons."

Kuroo spoke, "Yeah, it's not her fault this world treated her so horribly. No matter what, I must save her, bring her back. Now and until the rest of eternity.. I love her."

"Hey..." Ymir exclaimed whilst pointing to a sign with bold letters that wrote 'Tokyo', "Is she going.. back?"

Everyone's eyes soon looked to the tiny trail left on the smoky grey road.


"Ugh.. This is so damn tiring." You kept at a steady speed along the road, until your eyes were caught a car behind you.

"Hm?" A squint was made, in attempts to see who was sitting inside, but all you could see were inky figures.


"That's her!" Kuroo shouted.

"I know, I know!" Ymir repeated with slight annoyance, it was quite clear she wasn't very fond of Kuroo's voice.

"So how are we going to keep track of her, what if we loose her again?" Historia worried.

"Track.. track her!" Kenma suggested.

"Hm?" Kuroo answered, "How in the world do you expect us to track her without a tracker?"

"Snapchat." Kenma added, "Someone can turn on their Snapchat location, and throw it into her car.. her window was rolled down. Of course, who's phone is it going to be?"

"Mine." Kuroo volunteered without hesitation.

"Alright then." They all nodded.


"Uhhh.. FUCK!" You pushed your foot on the accelerator, after realising who was sat in the red vehicle. It was a barren road with no one else on it.

Of course, not surprising, was the car behind, racing towards you.

This car better have enough ga- okay good.

"Y/N!" Kuroo's voice entered your ear, causing your eyes to widen.

Fuck! Why am I so shocked? It's only.. Kuroo. Tsk! Every damn time, I feel so guilty and upset, I don't want to break and go back to my fucked up life.

I'm going to die, but honestly Kuroo! Just give the fuck up! Or I will.. I'll break.

"What do you want?!" You shouted subconsciously.

Ah, shit!

"Please don't go!" He begged, knowing it was inevitable that you were going to ignore it.. at least you tried to.

Yet the constant memories knocked at your skull, pleading that you go back.. but then, it hits.. there isn't anything left for you, you're a murderer, a pitiful idiot, the only thing awaiting you is an isolated cold room, poorly furnished and made purely of stone and metal.

"No.." You looked forward, when their car was next to you, "you know I can't, I'm a murderer for fuck's sakes. Don't you hate me?"

"Well then, tell me why you murdered the innocent man?" He asked. The way he described such a demon made you sick to the gut.

"DON'T SAY SHIT LIKE THAT!" You snapped, making eye contact with the confused rooster, "HE FUCKING GROPED ME! HAPPY?!" You sped off.

"N- WAIT! Wait one second, Y/N.." His heart was filled with rage, the thought of someone groping you, all he wanted to do was go back and hack the eyes he stared so kindly at.

"Did you put it in?" Historia asked Kenma, who nodded with a smile. Both Ymir and Historia sighed in relief, but Kenma's attention was bought to his friend.

"I'm sor—," Kenma tried speaking.

"How'd you feel? When you found out Y/N was Yumeko?" Kuroo raised his head after realising his friend was just as hurt as he was, probably worse.

"Honestly, I lost.. don't remind me, I'll start crying." Kenma smiled, bottling his pain.

"Don't hide it, tell me." Kuroo held Kenma's hands.

"Fine.. I-," Kenma dropped his head a little, trying to hide his waterfall of tears, "I feel betrayed, I fell in love with her, it just, clicked, I mean like.. again?"

He sobbed, barely making any sense. His hands covered his face as he sat in the corner of the car, knees close to his face, crying his pain out.

Kuroo watched dismally. Never had he seen his best friend so upset, but he knew, Kenma really needed that.

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now