I can't hide anything from you can I, Kenma?

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I trudged to school. The walk there I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.

What the hell do I tell them. What do I do? I don't know, hah, I don't know why I had so much hope. It's always hope, hope like that, that makes me so sa—

"Hi Y/N." I heard Kenma's voice and raised my head, "Hey, are you.. alright?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I be!" I grinned in attempt to hide my sorrow.

"You can't trick me Y/N, I know something happened." He rested his gentle hand on my shoulder, "We've been friends for so long, I know when there's something wrong."

"I..." I looked at him, unable to tell whether I was upset or happy, "I don't know what you're talking about, Kenma."

He walked closer, and closer to me until his mouth reached my ear, "You don't have to tell me. It's okay Y/N. Just don't try faking something, it's pointless." He whispered.

Not able to hold it anymore, a few tears came out from my broken eyes, as he took a few steps back to see my true self, bleeding out. His gentle gaze was linked with mine, until his eyes caught a glimpse of something behind me, "Hey Kuroo, Y/N here needs a hug." Kenma smiled.

I immediately turned around to see Kuroo ready to trap me in his arms. Before I could say anything, I was already confined in his big arms.

"H-Hey!" I declared.

"Huh? What's wrong? Didn't you want a hug?" He joked.

"Maybe..." I mumbled, "Kenma!" I squealed as he giggled at me. Kuroo soon put me down. I stormed towards Kenma standing a few steps away, "what was that for?" I pouted.

He shrugged his shoulders, smiling at me, "you wanted it didn't you?" My face turned into a tomato with those few words and I raised my hands to cover my face.

"HAAAA?! W-What do you mean! I-I- didn't want anything!" I screamed in embarrassment.

"Whatever you say." He rolled his eyes.


I dropped my hands to the sides of my body and turned to Kuroo, "Yes?"

"Can you be our manager? For volleyball." Kuroo asked, which bought memories of yesterday that flashed in my mind, "if you can't it's fine. I was actually planning on asking Sakura."


"Yeah, she's my girlfriend, you know her right? She's in the same class as you."

"O-Oh yeah. I don't really pay attention to other people." I responded, "I don't know about being the manager... it's just, I'm not really a social type of person, and my mum... said no."

"Oh it's alright. I'll just ask Sakura." He answered.

"Sorry." I apologised and started walking past him and into the gates. Kenma immediately knew something was wrong. He waited until I was far enough from them to possibly be heard, and ran after me. He reached for my shoulder, forcing my body to turn around. We were far away from Kuroo who stood there knowing it was probably for the best.

"That's why you were upset, wasn't it?" He assumed, "and now the thought of being replaced by someone else is hurting you, isn't it."

"Fuck." I stood there looking at Kenma's cat like pupils, wondering how he could read my mind every time.

"I can't hide anything from you can I, Kenma?"

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now