Pinky promise

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As I stepped into Kuroo's well decorated house, a deep exhale, filled with all of my worries was sent flying out of my mouth. His house had a chest of drawers, which had neatly arranged shoes in them. A vase of rose, and a few books rested on top of his glossy chest of drawers. His carpet was a smoky grey, as a long rectangle that spread out onto the light wooden floor. He had a few canvases that hung on the side of the wall with the main colours of grey and red. The first one was a painting of an astonishing rose garden, the second of a simple grey lake that had a beautiful tree with red autumn leaves and the third had a red and grey marble pattern on it.

"You can take your shoes off here, and come to the living room." Kuroo suggested, "do you want anything?"

"N-No I'm fine," I stuttered, "you've done so much, letting me in your house. Oh, where are your parents?"

"Out. They're with my grandparents," he replied, "I'm more concerned for where you're parents are."

"At home I guess?" I answered whilst taking my shoes off. He raised an eyebrow questioning my answer, "fine, my mums at home and my father just chased me, h-he's not allowed to."

"Oh okay." He said in a sorrowful tone as we both walked towards his living room.

Oh yeah, Sakura and him broke up..

I gently placed myself onto the couch, in my school uniform, which I felt quite embarrassed about, and decided I should talk.

"So Kuroo, how did you two break up." I asked the figure sitting to the right of me.

"I thought about it long and hard, it was for the best." He started, "it's just, she completely ghosted me, forgot about me, but then when I started hanging out with you she got all protective. She was probably jealous, I don't know, I don't even know where she was all of those months. I don't understa—."

"Look at me Kuroo." I interrupted with a warm smile on my face, "you tell me, is a girl who doesn't allow you to be friends with other girls, who doesn't care about you, love you, and completely abandons you. Does she deserve a place in your heart?" I asked, "your worth so much Kuroo, you know that?"


"HUUUUH?! WHY AREN'T YOU ANSWERING ME!" I playfully scolded him, "listen to me, you are worth the whole damn world, and no one, Sakura or whoever, i don't care who it is, but they DO NOT have ANY rights to make you feel like this, or ghost you, or just in general make you upset, understand?"

"Mhm, yeah." He murmured down-heartedly.

"I SAAAAAID, do you UNDERSTAND?!" I spoke.

"Okay okay okay!" He jokingly repeated, "I understand." A warm smile formed on his face.

"Good." I grinned back, "you better mean what you just said." I pouted.

"Anyways, why were you out there?" He asked, "you told me something about your father, but if you don't min—,"

"No it's fine." I reassured him, "it's just, a lot has happened. My father isn't allowed to be near us due to court and his divorce with my mother. He comes after us, chases us, annoys us, for his own pleasure. I hate him so much. I wish I wasn't born, if I wasn't here, my mother would have been happier, better, and been able to move on, past him."

"I'm sorry." Kuroo looked at me quite shocked and upset, "I-I- didn't know."

"No!" I screamed looking at his tear filled face, "oh my god I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have talked, you literally just broke up and now I'm throwing my own shit on you I'm so sorry."

"No, it's not you," He flicked my forehead, "idiot, I'm just happy you're here. That must be hard dealing with him. I'm happy you trusted me. I'm sorry I told you about my problems when you're going through so much."

"Eh? Nonono! Your not hurting me, but it makes me happy I feel better," I let him know, "I love helping people. Making others feel happier is such a good feeling."

"I know how you feel." He smiled, "want to watch a movie? I mean considering you are staying for the night I'm guessing?"

"Uhhh.." My face turned slightly pink, "if you don't mind."

"Of course not." He assured with kind eyes,

"I want you to do something for me." I spoke.

"What is it?" He questioned my quite nervous expression.

"Pinky promise me." I requested.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Pinky promise me that you'll forever be with me." I said as I held out my pinky finger.

"Huh?" He chuckled a bit, "your talking like we're lovers!"

My face immediately burst into a vibrant pink as he started laughing.

"HAAA?! WHA— THAT'S N-NOT WHAT I MEANT!!" I stuttered, "I just really want to be with you, AS FRIENDS OF COURSE! Y-You make me feel.. happier, especially when you speak your mind like this."

"Okay then, I promise I'll forever be with you," He vowed whilst we both linked fingers, "anyways, what do you want to watch?"

"Hmm.." I pondered, "give me 3 movies you want to watch and I'll pick between them, how about that?"

"Sure." He agreed, "Howls Moving Castle, A Whiskers Away or Your Name."

"How about Your Name."

"Okay, I'll make us some popcorn." He added.

Waiting for him to come, I pulled up Netflix, "Kuroo, do you have any blankets?"

"Yep, just check under the stairs there's a little cupboard, should be in there."

I went, grabbed two blankets and arrive back to see Kuroo sitting on the couch with the two bowls of popcorn. We sat next to each other, watched the romantic movie, whilst eating popcorn. The moon shone through the closed blinds, as rain started pattering down outside. The rain soon became muffled and the TV was becoming more blurry. I finally rested my tired head and fell asleep.


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