the fight

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Luz's POV:
I stepped back, balancing my weight on my left foot, and threw my right fist out in a curved punch at her temple. Turning ninety degrees to the side, she brought her right forearm up to counter the blow, formed a fist with her left and threw it at my outstretched jaw.

I felt that gaining my balance, I used my right and went for Janet's nose only to be stopped by the blight herself. “Luz” I froze 'why did her voice sound so cold, why did that remind me of my mother what's happening?'

I was instantly brought out of my trance when Janet's fist connected to my face sending me to the ground I got up blinking attempting to get my vision back everything was spinning there was amity and I tried to reach her only to be faced with darkness.

Amity's POV:
Janet had started a fight with Luz on her first day seriously! giving her bag to willow I attempted to make my way to her, she had a bloody nose and her knuckles were red Janet was far worse than she was pushing people away and looking at her, I had to end this “Luz” she stopped but why did she look so terrified?

Janet I guess took this time to get back at her since she was weakened that pissed me off Luz looked like she was about to faint “Amity” she reached out then fell me catching her “you see that's what happens when you mess with me” Janet said only to regret her words “Oh really now Ms. Bailey”

Principal bump was standing right behind her, I blew a raspberry at her as he walked her to his office Luz's chest was falling and rising pretty fast so the cause of her passing out was a panic attack but why? What did I do, or was is Janet that did it? Forgetting my thoughts I called Camilla since she was like my second parent and I knew eda wasn't at her house, she picked up within a second.

Camilla: Hello amity, are you okay mija?

Amity: yeah I'm fine but Luz not so much.

Camilla: what happened, is she alright?

Amity: well, for starters her hands are banged up her nose is bruised, and she is passed out in my lap as we speak, weird, huh?

Camilla: I am on my way dear, you want me to sign you out too?

I hesitated for a moment willow will understand, an I'm sure she will be okay with the alone time with Boscha.

Amity: sure.

After a few minutes, principal bump asked to see Luz in which I just showed him where she was injured at “She didn't cause this sir it was 3 against one” he put his hand up “she's not in trouble Ms. Park I just wanted to see if she was alright now let's get her to the infirmary so your not just sitting in the hall” he asked if I wanted him to carry her in which I declined picking her up with ease.

Camilla POV:
I had finally got all the laundry folded Luz's first day of school was today I hope she's okay I also remembered my favorite show has a new season as I got my blanket and went to lay on the couch to put Grey's Anatomy on I received a call from amity she never called me oh dear. I answered.

Hello amity, are you okay mija? And got a reply in a hushed tone “yeah I'm fine but Luz not so much” I got worried now “what happens, is she alright?” It took amity a bit probably to think before she replied, "well for starters her hands are banged up her nose is bruised, and she is passed out in my lap as we speak, weird, huh?” 'Aww both my little babies are already sleeping next to each other next thing you know they will be a couple that's how me and edalyn started out anyway' I thought “I am on my way dear you want me to sign you out too?”

She might want to stay there because of her sister willow they always walked home together “sure” well that's surprising she never did that before “welp looks like Dr. Mcdreamy has to wait I got my luzzy to help out”

Amity's POV:
Luz's breathing had finally calmed down, and she honestly had a really tight grip “Amity” I thought she was awake “hm?” She just got closer “I'm sorry” 'wtf where was this coming from at one point she's a mean ass bad girl then she's sweet as candy???' I patted her head “it's okay Luz” I was actually getting tired myself, she won't mind if I sleep for a bit? Nah.

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