Chapter 11

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Elsa's POV
I've been on maternity leave for about 3 weeks now. My baby bump is huge. I'm about 4 months in. 5 more months to go. Jack has been fighting and fighting for the rule to be nullified. I got a letter in the mail, today, from the CEO of Overland Co. I'm waiting for Jack to come home, so we can open it together. I pray that we can nullify the rule. "Darling I'm home! How's my beautiful girlfriend and baby doing?", Jack walks in. I look at him worriedly. Oh great here come the pregnant hormones. I start to sob and hold the letter in front of him. "What if they don't nullify the rule.", I continue to sob. "Well sweetheart, we're going to find out.", he takes the letter from my hand. He slowly opens the letter, I can see his anxiousness in his eyes. He slowly reads through the letter and looks at me. He looks up at me, we didn't get it, I can sense his sadness. "Well, I guess we're....getting MARRIED!!!", he whoops. "Really?", I say confused. "Really.", he responds happily.
Jack's POV
Not really. I just wanted her to be happy. All the stress she has isn't good for her or my child. What have I gotten myself into? She can't know about this. Never. I'll find somewhere else to work. I just have to keep my fiancé and baby safe. I might just work for North. "Honey I have to go back to work really quick. I'm just going to go thank the CEOs. I'll be home soon.", I say.
Elsa's POV
I know he's lying. He wouldn't let me see the letter. We didn't get the rule nullified. How could he? Does he not trust me? Does he think I'll be ashamed they didn't listen? I'll just stay quiet for a while and see if he gives in.

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