Chapter 42

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Jack's POV
I would have never thought that my kids would die before me. Just the thought makes me want to be their shield for the rest of their life. But unfortunately I know I can't do that. Scarlett was effected the most by her mothers passing. Therapy stopped working. She just became sadder and sadder. Therapy couldn't fill in the void in her heart that her mother once filled. She never came out of her room, not for food, but an occasional bathroom break. She dumped the boy that had made her happy at one point and used his heart as side walk chalk. Telling him how much she hated him and he didn't mean anything to her. Which I believe, broke her even more. One day I knocked on her door. No answer. I tried to open the door, but it was locked. The door came tumbling down with a crash. I looked around the room to find her used to be pink walls covered in skulls and bones, and poems describing death. Lying on her bed was my beautiful daughter in Elsa's favorite dress. The problem is her body's not moving. No inhales or exhales. No soft thumping in her chest. Her last thoughts were probably of seeing her mother once again 80 years way too soon. I looked to see what she had killed herself with. No blood, no rope. Pill containers everywhere. Every kind of drug was sitting on the ground, laying there in harmless containers with substances that could kill you. They had taken my daughters life. Drugs are never the answer. Never. I place Scarlett's lifeless hands on her chest one on top of the other. To make it seem like she didn't die in pain. Even though I, especially Elsa, knows what truly killed her. The loss of her mother. Now, I, having to live through 2 of my dearest loved ones passing, I am in misery. I'm hanging on to my 3 last threads of hope: Colton, Lily, and Anna. They're the light at the end of my tunnel except this isn't the end. This is only my beginning.
*sobs* I was debating on rewriting this chapter or not and I decided not to because I haven't posted in forever and EVERYONE IS DYING WHYYYYY ADMIN WHYY? I'm hoping to update this weekend if I don't get a butt load of homework...

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