Chapter 24

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Jack's POV
We've been searching for Scarlett for about a year now. I couldn't help, but think about her on her birthday. The same day as Colton and Lily's. I did discover something else though. There was no such person by the name of Dr. Draculan. There is a woman that was accused of smuggling children into other countries and her name is Mary Gothel. I just pray that she didn't import Scarlett. My poor baby. I swear I will get that evil woman if it's the last thing I do and I will find Scarlett. Elsa did not go through all that pain just to have 2 of the 3 children. I walk through the hallway with the cake Elsa made for Lily and Colton. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Colton, Lily, and Scarlett. Happy birthday to you!" Elsa and I sing. Even though Scarlett's not here we're going to celebrate for her too. "Yayyyy!" Lily cheers us and Colton claps. "Do you want cake now sweeties?" Elsa coos at them. They clap and nod their eager little head in approval. I grab the camera for Els, so she can take the pictures. I walk behind her and massage her shoulders. She lays her head on my chest and sighs. I know why. Scarlett. I hug her as our babies smash the cake and squish it in between their little fingers. Then they wipe it on their bare chests because Elsa was smart enough to take their clothing off. "Are your parents coming over later or what?" Elsa whispers to me. "Yeah I'm pretty sure mom's definitely coming to see her grandchildren and beautiful daughter-in-law." I try to make her smile. I haven't seen her smile in awhile and it saddens me. I miss her smile. She smiles and gives me a kiss score! Double points for Jack! "Should we save some cake for your mom?" She whispers again. "Not after what they did to it." I say pointing at the demolished cake and our little cake babies. She chuckles. "I made an extra cake for the guests." She smiled. "What a smart wife I have." I grinned at her. "We aren't properly married yet Jack, just remember that." She had to point out. "Sooo?" I asked. "Why does that matter? You had my children, So technically you're my wife. Vows or no vows." I said not caring. She turned around and kissed me on the lips. And of course that's when someone absolutely had to ring the doorbell.

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