Chapter 12

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Elsa's POV
He still hasn't admitted it to me and it's been a week. I feel a bit offended. He doesn't trust me. I start with my crying again, I always try to hide it when Jack's around. This time that didn't work. I just sobbed like there was no tomorrow. Jack looked at me and within a second, possibly a millisecond, he was by me stroking my hair. "Am I good enough for you? Am I not pretty enough? What causes you to lie to me?", I sob out. His face pales. "No, no, you are perfect and more beautiful than any woman I've ever seen.", he says nervously. "Then wh-why do y-you lie to m-me.", I stutter and continue to sob. "Darling I'm just trying to protect you. I don't think all this stress should be put on you and our baby. It's not healthy sweetheart. I know you're concerned, but I'm going to keep fighting and work hard for an us.", he said strongly, but I could sense the nervousness in his eyes. I think the pregnant hormones give me a super power where I can tell how people actually feel. I honestly think it's cool, Merida just thinks I'm taking lucky guesses. I wonder if Jack and I will ever be able to be together. I know he will do anything possible to make us be together. I mean, I am pregnant with his baby. What will happen?
Jack's POV
What am I going to do? I've gotten to my last resort. North. (Haha get my last resort is north-just uh-never mind) If he can't help no one can. I swear if this is a worthless trip I'm not going to be happy tonight.

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