Chapter 17

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Jack's POV
"Hey Elsa come look at this!", I yelled from my office. "Elsa?", I get up out of my chair and head to our room. I look around and find my yearbook on the bed. Opened to Alexia and I's picture... There were little water stains on the picture. She was crying. She saw it. I like looked around some more and stopped at her night stand. The ring... I find her note. Her lovely handwriting, scribbled the words I never have wanted to read.
"Dear Jack,
I love you so much, I can't even describe it. I know I was just your one night stand and getting me pregnant wasn't the plan, but I felt something special around you. As you have probably seen, I now know your true love. I was just a mistake all along. We were never meant to be. This will always just be my secret business affair. The babies will be given up for adoption and I'm handing in my resignation. Have a lovely life, my darling, Jack Frost. I know you will find you're true love some day. With all my heart, Elsa."
Nononono no, this can't be happening she can't leave. "Arg!!!!!! I can't f*cking believe!!!! This is just some f*cking nightmare!!!!", I pinched myself so hard blood began to draw. I continue to pinch myself. More and more blood comes. I need to wake up. I need to get out of this nightmare. I need Elsa... "Elsa.", is the last thing I said before everything went black.
I see a bright light and the sound of sobbing. Is this a dream? Please God take me towards the light. Take me away from the world. I see my father. "Jack, my son, it is not your time. Go back to Elsa and your children. Cherish her and every moment. Go see your mother, she needs her son. Promise me. Those babies will need their father.", I stare at him in awe. Absorbing what he said. "I promise.", I whisper. The bright lights fade and I open my eyes. "Elsa?", I croak. The sobbing stops. "Jack? Are you okay? I'm so sorry it's all my fault. I'm sorry.", she starts crying again. I look around the, I presume hospital room. "No I'm sorry. I should have told you about Tooth.", she gives me a puzzled look. "Tooth is Alexia. We were just friends. Aster was on the yearbook committee and thought it would be funny to put that picture on the couple page. I wanted him to take it down, but it was too late. Part of me thinks she made Aster put that in there. The past is the past though. We went different directions, she went into the dentistry field and I went into business. I haven't seen her since.", I smile at Elsa. "You're my one and only true love.", I continue to smile. She remains silent. "It's so great to see your beautiful face again.", she looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Jack I don't deserve you. You always look at the positive side of things. I just can't let you live your life sad. I can't marry you. I would love to but I can't. I think it would be best if we just moved on.", she sobbed. Her body shuddered from all the crying. "Elsa, no. You saw what happened to me when you left. I would kill myself if you left me again. I love you more than my own life. You are my life, Elsa.", with that she fainted.

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