Chapter 37

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Elsa's POV
After we got back from the cruise the kids seemed to have had a growth spurt. So I went to the mall. You would never guess who I saw. Anna. But I was behind her. She was sitting on a bench next to a man with a hoodie so I couldn't see who he was. I got closer to the bench and "dropped" and bag behind there bench. Plus being pregos it takes me a while to bend over and pick it up. You see I made myself look innocent to eavesdrop. "Hans I can't do it. I can't destroy Elsa's relationship. I hate doing this to her, she's already had a hard enough time losing her baby. Leave her family alone." I heard Anna say to Hans. Hmm. Hans. Hans. Why does that name ring a bell? "No I will destroy them brick by brick and until Elsa is mine I will continue to destroy them." The man yells but not so the whole mall hears. "Hans, Elsa stopped loving you the day she caught you in bed with another girl in college. Leave her alone." I hear Anna hiss at him. He raises a hand and is about to hit my little sister. I drop another bag only louder so they can hear. "Umm excuse me miss could you please help me." I say softly. She turns her head to face me and when she sees me she looks down in shame. "Uh yes of course do need help carrying them to your car?" Which I presume is to get away from Hans. "Yes please and thank you." I say, but as I say it Hans turns around. "Well hello Elsa. Long time no see." He says with a wicked grin on his face. Except the problem with his face is; he has a large gash that runs along the right side of his face. I cringe at the sight of his face. "Elsa dear, you don't like what you did to my face?" He says with sarcasm. "What do you mean 'what I did to your face' it was all on you. I wouldn't have had to do that if you weren't a psychopath. Leave me alone. And when I say me I mean leave my children and my husband alone." I hiss at him. He smirks at me. "Oh you mean Jack? Don't you worry one of my assistants is already doing him." He says which makes me roll my eyes. "Yup. Right. Cause his mother would totally let them go at it in front of the children like rabbits. Yeah totally." I say sarcastically. He puts his hand in his hoodie pocket. I see the shape of a gun form in the pocket. I open my purse and look around for my phone. Ever since I got the call and Scarlett got kidnapped I've had an emergency button to call in security from my car. Jack made me take security and now I'm officially grateful. "Get your hands out of your purse!" He shouts pulling the gun half way out. "I'm just getting a piece of gum." I say calmly taking out the fake piece of gum. It's really the button. I stick it in my mouth and crunch it in half. This will set off an emergency trigger and security will charge in withstanding no one. I hear the heavy boots on the tiles come running in. Hans lifts up the gun and I hear a loud bang. Within seconds I'm falling to the ground. I hear panicking around me. "Mrs. Frost is down, repeat Mrs. Frost is down!" I hear a guard yell. I open my eyes a little bit and chuckle. "Call me Elsa." After those 3 words I get enveloped in darkness.
Thank you all who followed my cousin she's so happy and grateful so imma publish this now and don't hate me...

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