Chapter 23

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Elsa's POV
I couldn't sleep for weeks. Scarlett was still missing. The police searched everywhere and there was no trace of Dr. Draculan either. Jack continues to try and cheer me up. I only eat so Colton and Lily have the nutrition they need. I only live so they can have a mommy. I miss Scarlett. I may not be very close to her, but I still love her with or without knowing her. Jack walks into the room with Lily. Her blonde hair has elegant curls that bounce when Jack moves her. Colton has brown hair, like Jack's and my parents. I wonder what Scarlett's hair is like. Colton and Lily both have deep blue eyes. I wonder if Scarlett has my eyes. Can she miss her mommy yet? I wish I could take her into my arms and never let go. The wedding might be without her if we don't find her anytime soon. I miss my baby girl. Does she miss me? Probably not because she doesn't even know me. My eyes start to well up with tears. Jack notices my emotional outburst and comes over to me. "We'll find her no matter what. It might take a while, but we will find her." Jack comforts me and rubs my back. "If I could snap my finger to make her appear I would. I would rub a genies lamp to make a wish for her to come back." I smile a little. "I love you Jack Frost." He kisses my forehead and then my lips. "I love you too Elsa Frost." I look at my children and fiancé and for the first time since we lost Scarlett I felt complete. I kiss Lily and Colton on the forehead and put them in their cribs. I bade them goodnight and laid in my bed. Jack looked at me, gave me a hug, and we kissed until I fell into a restful sleep. They are what I have to live for.

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