Chapter 29

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Elsa's POV
"Mommy why isn't daddy with us?" Colton asks me as we pull in my mother-in-laws' driveway. "I need a little time away from daddy. He'll be back." I force a smile. Is this really what being a mom is about? Lying. Making everything seem alright when it really isn't. I unbuckle the three and they race each other to the door to see who can ring the door bell first. Mrs. Frost answered the door and her face lit up. Her eyes dimmed as they landed on me. She raised her eyebrow as if she was asking me what he did. "Go play darlings, grandma will get you some cookies." She told them and they ran inside to play. "What did Jackson do?" That was the beginning of my meltdown. I burst out sobbing. After I told the whole story I said. "My o-own sis-sister almost had s-sex with h-him." I sniffled. "Oh dear." She responded and pulled me into a warm, comforting hug. "Go talk to him. Do you really want your sister to win?" She said and as I was about to deny interrupted me. "I'll watch the kids." I pull away and nod. "Thank you Mrs. Frost." She kind of chuckled when I said that. I looked at her with my confusion visible. "Call me Cassandra sweetie. Well I'd better get the cookies for Colton, Lily, and Scarlett and you'd better go talk to Jackson." She gently pushes me towards the drivers seat. I start the car and drive home.
"Jack?" I call out for him. There was nothing but silence. His car is in the garage. Nervously, I head upstairs. I knock on his office door. Please don't be what I think I'm going to see. Mentally I'm praying Anna's not in there on top of him. "Jack?" This time my voice is barely a whisper. I walk in to find him sleeping on his desk. I walk closer to him. His eyes are crusty and tear trails are evident along his cheeks. Tear stains cover his paper work. I run to the bathroom and grab a warm, wet washcloth. I wipe away the crust from his eyes. His eyes slowly open and he looks around the room until his eyes land me. "Elsa?" He chokes back a sob. "Please hear me out Elsa. Please." He runs over to me and takes my hands as he kneels down in front of me. "Okay." I sigh. "Please... Wait you said okay?" He looks at me baffled. I nod as a sign for him to continue. "So I was working in my office at my desk and then Anna knocked. I let her come in because I didn't know what she wanted. So she walks in trying to act all sexy and stuff but it didn't work on me. I had asked her if she needed something from and she answered yes. So then I asked about what she wanted but she never answered me. She hopped on top of me and started straddling me. I kept telling and telling her to get off me. Then she started telling me about how you always got what you wanted and how life was never fair. Then she tried taking off my pants, but you came in and stopped her. Please believe me Elsa." He finished the story pale faced. "Why'd you have an erection?" I sternly asked. "Well you haven't kissed me or anything in months. A man can't be seduced like that without getting urges, but I didn't even touch her." He sighs and rubs his eyes. "Get off of me." I sternly say. "No Elsa please don't leave m-" I interrupted him and pushed him on the couch in his office. "What are you doing?" I walked towards him slowly unbuttoning my shirt. I got on top of him and started kissing him. He looks at me shocked, but kisses me back. (Imagine Smut)

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