Chapter 34

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Elsa's POV
I woke up to 3 bouncing children yelling at Jack and I to get up. Jack groans and rolls on his back. "Daddy get up! Get up!" Lily starts bouncing around Jack. I lightly laugh. I sit up in the bed and immediately get a headache. I hold my head and rub my temples. "Shhh please mommy doesn't feel good." Jack tries to silence the ruckus. Scarlett comes over to me and sits next to me quietly. "Are you okay mommy?" She almost whispers. "Yes sweetie I just have a headache." I smile at her. She gives me a small smile and hugs me. The hug almost seems strained though. Which at that moment leaves me wondering; what's wrong with my little girl? Jack looks at Scarlett concerned. "C'mon guys let's get ready! Today's a big day!" Jack smiles at me and the kids cheer. I chuckle and the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I giggle as my three children race me towards the door. "MERI!!!" We all yell at once. I laugh with Merida after I cheered along with my kids. "Well it looks like you guys have had a fun morning." She said smiling. "Yup!" Lily said popping the p like her daddy always does. I laughed. "Well Colt it looks like you have to go to grandmas with daddy today." Jack said as he was coming down the stairs. "Whyyyy?" Colton whined. "Because you don't want to do girly stuff like dress up with the girls. Do you?" Jack flashes a cocky grin at me. I roll my eyes, but smile at him. Colton automatically starts furiously shaking his head no. "Okay buddy let's go." Jack said while putting Colton on his shoulders. They head out to the garage. Jack comes back in. "See you later my love." He says and then picks me up and kisses me. "Okay, okay let the girl go. You're going to be kissing her later." Merida says pulling Jack off of me. "I'll never let my girl go." He says after blowing me several kisses. I blow him a kiss back and wave. "I love you." He says before closing the door. "So are you ready to put on your dress?" Merida asked me. I eagerly nod because Merida ordered the dress to get designed ever since Anna's sudden act of shame. The dress was strapless and had a sweetheart bodice. The rest of it held my body and fell into a trumpet bottom. Lace covered the whole dress. "It's beautiful Merida!" I gasp. "Go put it on!" Merida says happily. I walk into the bathroom and slip on the dress. Merida then comes in and zips the back of my dress. I twirl around and Scarlett and Lily walk in with their dark blue dresses on. "Mommy you look like a princess." Lily smiles. "No you girls look like the princesses." I hug Lily and Scarlett. "Then you look like a queen." Scarlett whispers in my ear. I hug her again. "Thank you sweetie." I whisper back. The doorbell rings again and Merida gets it. "Elsa it's the hair stylist!" I hurry down the stairs to meet her. "Hey cuz how've you been?" I squeal when I see her. "Rapunzel!!" She hugs me and squeals.
She got done doing my hair which is in 2 braids and some how pulled up to my head. Merida got into her dress; a teal dress with a lace overlay for her sleeves. Then Rapunzel did her somewhat poofy hair into a cute bun. For Scarlett and Lily's almost identical pale blonde hair, Rapunzel curled their hair and delicately place daisies in it. Rapunzel got into her own dress that looked like Merida's and did her own hair. Makeup was the easy part because I could do it myself, but Rapunzel refused since it's my wedding day. "My dad is going to walk you down the isle if that alright with you since, you know, Kristoff can't." Rapunzel told me kind of awkwardly. "It's okay to talk about them." I say to Rapunzel faking a smile. She gives me a sympathetic smile. "Okay." She says. I push the thought of Anna out of my mind. I check the clock on the wall and it's almost 12:30. We need to get to the church soon. "Let's start heading out guys!" I say as we all hop into the limo.
Jack's POV
I'm standing at the end of the isle waiting for my beautiful bride. The music starts playing and Elsa's cousin, Rapunzel, walks down the isle next to Sandy, one of my best men. Next up is one of Elsa's college friends, Belle, walking along side Hiccup. Finally the maid of honor, Merida, and my best man, Bunny, walk down. Colton comes walking towards Bunny and Mer carrying the pillow that holds the rings. Then come my little sunshines, Lily and Scarlett, throwing their petals. Finally the most beautiful person starts walking towards me with her uncle. She flashes me a glowing smile and quietly giggles. They finally stop in front of me and Elsa hugs her uncle and he shakes my hand. "Take good care of her." He says I just nod while staring into Elsa's bright blue eyes. I take her hands and hold them in mine. The priest starts saying things I can't even hear because I'm so focused on Elsa. Only when I hear my name I pay attention. "Jack, do you take Elsa for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, until death do you part?" The priest says. I answer, "I do." He starts again for Elsa. "Elsa, do you take Jack for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, until death do you part?" "I do." Elsa says while smiling. I start to put the ring on Elsa's finger from Bunny. "Elsa, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity." She blushes and then grabs the ring from Merida. "Jack, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity." I smile at her as she slides the ring on. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest says my favorite part. I pull Elsa in by the waist and kiss her passionately. The clapping starts and we jog out of the church and wave. Everyone piles in the limo. "Finally." Elsa sighs happily as she lays her head on my shoulder. Now for the reception.

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