Chapter 41

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3rd Person POV
Jack was tending to his work and heard a groan from the other side of the room. Jack had moved his desk into their bedroom incase Elsa needed anything. "Jack." Elsa groans again. Jack briskly walked over to Elsa's side age getting ahold of him too. "What do you need hon?" Jack put his hand on her cold, but sweaty forehead. "I love you." Elsa whispers and a shiver runs through Jacks' spine. It doesn't matter sick or healthy she always has that effect on him. "I love you too." Jack whispers back kissing her softly on the forehead. She looks so frail and thin. She looks like she could shatter at any second. "Tell the kids I love them." She whispers again with little cracks audible in her voice. Within those seconds Elsa had the negativity of living on her mind. "Anything for you my love." Jack said being the loyal and loving husband he tends to be. Jack had a thought that he decided to push away because that thought was the last thought he wanted to be thinking about. "Call the doctor." Elsa said hoping to get Jack away so he didn't have to watch her die. It pained them both to have the ordeal. Jack registered what she said with panic. He was on the phone in seconds.  Elsa's eyes slowly shut and she decided she needed to quit trying. She took in her last breath. Smelling the aroma of the scent she loved so. The smell of Jack, the smell of her children, and the smell she described as love. She said her last words to her children. "Take care of him." In a less than audible whisper. And said her last I love you. She breathed out. She was at peace. Elsa's heart stopped, but her love was to be remembered forever. Her kind eyes and warm smile. Her radiant laugh that filled a room with happiness. Jack entered the room and immediately noticed his still wife. He fell. He sobbed. A longing sob for his dead wife. He crawled to her side and held her. He held her lifeless, cold body. Wishing it could be him instead of her. His beautiful wife was gone. Which meant the life left in him was gone too. He got up and went to his children that were oblivious to their forsaken mother. He entered their rooms and broke the news to all of them, but the heartbroken one of them all was Scarlett. Her mom. The woman she looked up to, the woman that saved her. Gone. One word that none of the family could believe. She was gone.
Oh my gosh. That made me cry and I hate myself for doing that. I feel like I just lost a family member. 😓

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