Season 4; Episode 4

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Yugi bolted outside and stared up at the bright light in the sky,

"The monsters are trapped, Yugi." Solomon told him,

"Yeah....I figured." Yugi nervously whipped out his duel disk and ran to discover Tea, Tristan, and Joey.

"Okay so I'm not blind?" Joey mumbled,

"No, you're not." Yugi whipped his head and stared at the giant yellow eye - the same one that stared him down when he was in the Domain of Monsters. He bit his lip as he stared at the eye, already knowing what it is and what he should do.

'The question I have authority on this beast?' Yugi thought to himself as he took a shaky breath before clenching his fists and glaring at the eye.

"....Great Leviathan!" Yugi called out as the eye jolted in Yugi's direction.

"Uh...Yugi..." Tristan gulped,

"Yugi! What are you doing?!" Tea gasped,

Yugi gulped but refused to leave, "....You've been around harassing these monsters for as long as time, and you think because (y/n) isn't complete it gives you the opportunity to wipe them out!" He yelled as the eye slightly widened, "B...But just because she isn't here to stop you, doesn't mean I can't!" He whipped out the newest addition to Yugi's deck, "TIMAEUS, PROTECT US FROM THE GREAT LEVIATHAN!" He shouted in command and his card let out a teal light. Before Yugi knew it, one of the guardians rose from Yugi's card and immediately sprinted to action. The dragon bolted forward like blue lightning and struck the eye through. Moments later, a green light forged the symbol of the Orichalcos,

"...The Seal of Orichalcos..." Yugi gasped as the dragon pressed forward and broke through the Seal, purging the beast where it belongs.

"....AW YEAH!" Joey cheered, "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

"HOLY SHIT!" Tristan had a huge smile, "GOOD JOB, YUG'!"

Yugi nervously laughed, "Aha...thanks guys.." He smiled at them before he realized his surroundings started to change. His friends surrounding him had a black shadow cloak over them and soon enough, all of Yugi's friends disappeared from his view; his environment now turned to pitch black and ominous. Yugi tensed up at this sudden darkness, and turned around to see Yami next to him,

"Y-Yami?" Yugi squeaked, ".....Wh...What's going on? Where are we?"

"I don't know...but for starters, we aren't in our Soul Room...." Yami shook his head, "I knew it......right as the Great Leviathan made eye contact, it felt like it was staring at us for a reason"

"What do you mean?" Yugi trembled,

"Right as you mentioned (y/n), I noticed a shift in energy from the beast." Yami explained, "...I don't know how to explain it, but-"

"Precious Yugi Mutou..." a deep disoriented voice boomed from the darkness. Yami and Yugi tensed up and tried to find the source of this voice to find nothing at first.

"...And the Great Nameless Ancient Pharaoh of Egypt...." If whatever is talking was a physical appearance, Yami and Yugi would've seen a smirk.


"Yugi, stay behind me." Yami immediately walked in front of Yugi and covered him from the back.

The Pharaoh's Rose (Atem/Yami Yugi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now