OVA; Dark Side of the Dimensions

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A/N; Hello everyone, it's been a while! I hope you all are enjoying this story as much as I am. There are a few things I want to start with before you read this special

Firstly, I want to give my upmost respect and love for Kazuki Takahashi, who passed away on July 4, 2022 as I was creating this special. His death was an absolute shock for everyone in the Yugioh community. Without him I wouldn't have been able to create The Pharaoh's Rose in the first place, nor experience such a fun and thrilling show that Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters has provided. In all our hearts, he is the true King of Games, and may he have eternal rest in his own kingdom that he deserves.

Secondly, I wanted to thank you all so much for reading this story and enjoying it. I love reading all the comments you guys give, it became a tiny hobby of mine to go back and read what you guys type. Your love for this story keeps Atem and everyone else alive in this story, and I have never been so grateful to be apart of this community. You guys have also kept this story high on the list under the Yugioh tag, which has over 7,500 stories under that tag. Saying that alone feels so surreal to say, and it gave me so much confidence to write more. You guys have no idea how much confidence you have given me. I will be a tiny bit personal here; at the time I was making season 5, I was losing confidence of writing because of the strictness of grading by a professor who consistently criticized my writing. This story was pretty much my thin string I held onto throughout those couple of months as I was in that class, so I do have a huge emotional attachment to it. And your comments really lifted my spirits the most and continued my pursuit of becoming an author (of course, while taking in the professors' criticism as an academic writer despite the harshness). Thank you so much. I love you, I love all of you guys <3

Anyway, pushing emotional stuff aside, it's time to get into this special. This is my gift to you. <3

Happy Halloween~


"FUCK." He hissed as he glared at the red screen before him. His hands trembled in rage as he slammed his fist on the desk before him and growled.

It was probably the hundredth time that he was rejected like this, he was too familiar with not only the Results Not Found on the screen, but also hearing from the workers he sent that they have found little to nothing except the same hieroglyphics created by the Ancient Egyptians from a millennia ago. What made it even more infuriating was how the hieroglyphics found only told the tale of the sacred marriage and the rituals. His glare shifted to his workers as though he was ready to pound all of them in one swing.

"TRY AGAIN." He growled with his body trembling. The workers who worked with him both in person and in the monitor nervously bit their lips, now terrified of Kaiba's rage.

"M...Mr. Kaiba, a-all we found are these ancient scriptures." One informed through the screen "And the ones discovered aren't completely translated due to the fall of-"


"P-Professor Hawkins traveled to find the remains, M-Mr. Kaiba." Another corrected with sweat running down his face once he met with Kaiba's intense glare. His heart pounded with rage as he took a shaky breath as an attempt to recollect himself, his eyes closed and his hand gently massaged the temples on his head.

"A-And the Professor found the remains of Atlantis, he did not find anything particular about-" The man closest to Kaiba attempted to defend the one behind the monitor but was stopped when Kaiba raised his arm to silence him. The room went deaf quiet, no noise from anyone, only the sounds of Kaiba's harsh, deep breaths filled the room before he opened his mouth.

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