Season 5; Episode 1

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"Yami, I really don't think this should be happening right now."

"It should and it will," Yami responded with a frown,

"Yami...I am going to be completely honest here...I really don't have the energy to-"

"(Y/n), she has to apologize for what she has done. Even Yugi agrees with me, something must be done." Yami shook his head, "And now is a perfect time."

From watching the sunset and having a calming moment, Yami is now dragging you across the beach over to the rest of the gang. Why? Because he wants Tea to apologize to you. This sparred up when Yami spotted the Kaiba chopper descend to the ground in the distance. Although you found it touching, you were also incredibly exhausted from everything that has gone down up until now, and Yami is planning on having Tea apologize for everything. This could possibly mean including almost every single time Tea has been in the same area as you.

"Whether Tea likes to admit it or not, she has been incredibly rude. I wish I had noticed sooner just like Joey, so the matter wouldn't have dragged out like this. Not to mention how she held me back because she wanted to talk to me about how worried she is about Dartz while his own men took you away from my hands." He growled, his hand tightened a bit as he recalled your kidnapping. "And the way Dartz was praising that while we dueled...I will never let Tea go easy after that."

"Dartz praised Tea to you as well?" You snapped out of your brief tired state. Yami stopped and turned to you with a stare,

"He told you as well?"

"He...he told me he was happy Tea kept you busy. He praised her-"

"He did the same to me. He mocked me for letting Tea occupy me and graciously thanked her for making things easy." Yami's eyes narrowed,

"Oh...gods....I'm...I'm sorry, Yami-"

"Don't apologize. That's Tea's job." Yami shook his head, "I don't want to hear any sort of apology. You have done nothing wrong."

It wasn't long before you and Yami made it to where everyone else was. The moment you saw the chopper, you immediately tried pulling away from Yami's grip - you really didn't want to do this. Now that it's actually happening, you really felt bad.

"Yami-" You whispered his name and he looked at you, "...please, I guys are close with her, I don't want to ruin-"

"(Y/n). I love you. I really do. Tea is a close friend, that is true, but she is crossing boundaries. Even Yugi agrees, as well as everyone who you see in front of you." Yami assured, "Besides, I feel this is something Tea had been wanting to do deep down but doesn't have the courage to do so herself. So a push would suffice."

"Hey, it's (y/n) and the Pharaoh!" Joey took notice of you guys and ran to you with a smile, "Ya finally did it, (y/n)!"

"(y/n)!" Mokuba's eyes lit as he ran to you alongside Joey.

Quickly fixing the buttons to prevent Joey and Mokuba from potentially seeing you shirtless, you nervously nodded your head,

"What happened with Dartz anyway?" Joey asked,

"He''s a long story." You shrugged your shoulders,

"Is he gone at least?" Tristan asked and watched you nod,

The Pharaoh's Rose (Atem/Yami Yugi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now