(No name)

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This is a more light hearted Yandere story. And I call it no name because I can't think up of a title lmao. Sorry about that.

When I was young my mom told me that people need 3 things in life.

Money,sex, and love.

3 things to survive and 3 things we most crave.

I didn't really understand it too well till I hit my teenager years.

Boy did it hit me hard.

"I'll kill her. I'll kill her. How fucking dare she touch him. Filth filth.."

I stood awkwardly as the small but pretty girl paced back and forth in front of me.

She was in front of my house. Biting down on her fingernails and looking ready to kill.

"Uh.. excuse me?"

I said this in a more timid voice as she quickly looked up with a snarl.

She eyed me with hostility then her eyes softened.

Suddenly, as if I just didn't witness any of that, a pretty sweet smile replaced her previous malicious one.

And a gentler, kinder look was on her face.

"Oh hi. You must be Kai's twin sister. I'm Mia. His classmate. I was wondering if he was home?"

I stared her for a second before I sighed.

"Nah he's still at school. You might wanna go there if you want to stal- I mean find him. Think some chick was going to confess to him".

At the word confess her eyes darkened.


I shrank back a bit nervously sweating.

"N-no clue what her name was. But she had big boobs?"


And with that she ran off. Leaving me sweaty and grabbing my phone from my pocket.

"One of your stalkers is coming to the school. Remember if you die I get your room".

My brother... well my twin brother has always been a magnet for trouble. Mainly insane stalker girls..

Ever since we were little women have tried taking him. Or grabbing him. Or stalking him.

It's pretty insane.

See I tried to be a good sister. Help him out and all that.

But to be honest, the dickhead liked being stalked.

No joke.

He thought he was some sort of god that seemed to attract all these hot but insane women.

All he did was brag about it and it made me want to punch him.

I'm his twin sister and I'll tell you one thing.

We're not good looking.

And not to mention, Sir Dick, has an awful personality. Boastful, rude, just a shitty brother and shitty person.

Personally, as awful as it sounds, I wouldn't give a rats ass if he ends up being kidnapped or something.

I know they say love thy family. But nah no thanks.

They can have him all they want.

Still sweating, I managed to get into the house and wipe the sweat off my brow.

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