Sly Lie -Preview

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I wasn't expecting much in life.

A 21 year old closeted gay who barely knew how to speak to anyone.

Not exactly a turning point in any way .

So it was quite a shock for myself when I began to receive the strange text messages.

Simple texts from:

"You look beautiful"

"That's a nice shirt on you"

"I hope you enjoy your day"

To more obsessive ones

"I saw that you spoke to that old lady. You shouldn't be working at that store".

"You shouldn't be speaking to anyone. You're mine".


It was traumatizing to say the least.

And even when I did go to the cops, I was shut down.

A sneer in their faces as I cowered and realized that really nobody a male stalking victim seriously.

And it got worse. Presents began to arrive. From simple presents like roses to soon dead animals.

My car got vandalized. My apartment broken into too.

He kept getting worse and I began to lose my mind.

Until one day I tried to kill myself. Tried to stop myself from the mental torture he was putting me through and the help that was never coming.

And as I contemplated my last moments on that roof, I wasn't expecting a strange man to appear, banging the roof top door open.

Running with a panicked but delighted face and a cameraman following after him.

"Sir! You don't need to kill yourself! It's all been a prank! This is the show 'Sly Lie'! We are the affiliated severe prank show and you are our latest contestant".

As I stared at his despaired but also delighted face. I could only think of one thing in my mind.

"Of course my life would be a joke".

(A preview for an upcoming story which will be shown both on here and Patreon in the future. The main character is a guy who has some bad social anxiety. He's a sweetheart but also a ticking time bomb. And as you've seen in this preview he thought he had a stalker but.. This story will focus on what happens when you've been so mentally knocked upon but only to see that it's nothing but a joke? A main hue on to how those messed up prank tv shows and videos these days. The main character will actually not be having the best character growth compared to most stories)

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