Dead Tears -Preview-

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It had meant to be the trip of a life time.

To see the ruins, to see the jungle, to learn something.

It was all Y/N could ever think about in extreme excitement.

All she ever saved and planned for.

As she lay in her hospital bed, she stared at the ceiling, her face covered in bandages.

A trip that had meant to teach her about the world.

And boy had it taught her.

All it taught her was that no matter where you go humans were pieces of shit.

All they knew how to do was eat, rape, kill.

The acts that had been committed to her was the least of her worries in her strange case.

It was the monster that had seen her. That had delighted with her pain.

And that now was inside her.

The monster that showed her true hunger for revenge and just simply food itself.

But not any kind of food. Oh no. Y/N sat up in bed as a nurse brought her over a plate of prepackaged food.

She stared at in disgust as the hunger swelled in her.

Y/N was now changed. And with change came new tastes.

The taste for some fucking meat.

Meat that came from the immorally disgusting beings that roamed this earth.

And Y/N had been given a task.

A task she would gladly take on.

Hunt down those evil fuckers and eat them as they screamed.

Piece by piece.

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